一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


— We need a new _______. The food can’t stay fresh for long.

— I agree. The old one doesn’t work well now.

A.flat B.stadium C.radio D.fridge

二、句型转换 (共1题,共5分)



【1】Must I arrive before 6:30 tomorrow morning? (做否定回答)

______, you ______ .

【2】They were having a tea party at nine last night. (就划线部分提问)

_____ were they ______ at nine last night?

【3】The temperature is between minus two and seven degrees today. (就划线部分提问)

__________ the temperature today?

【4】You mustn’t stay out after ten o’clock in the evening. (改为同义句)

___________ out after ten o’clock in the evening.

【5】It will snow for a week. The weather report says that. (合并为一句)

The weather report says it will ____________ for a week.

三、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】It’s about three m______ (英里) from our school to the farm.

【2】The little boy is interested to play c______  (象棋) with others.

【3】My mother asked me to c______ (覆盖) the table with some paper.

【4】People there all hope to get help from the l______ (当地的) government.

【5】The manager didn’t a______ (出现) from his office until very late in the evening.

四、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Charlotte’s Web(网) is a popular children’s novel. It is a story about friendship.

Wilbur is a pig. A young girl _________ him. One day, the girl’s father sold the _________ to Mr. Zuckerman. Wilbur left the young girl and came to the new home. But he felt _________ and very sad in his new home. Then he met a spider(蜘蛛) named Charlotte. They became good friends.

Wilbur later learned that Mr. Zuckerman planned to kill(杀死) _________ for Christmas dinner. He turned to Charlotte for _________. Charlotte thought of an idea. She wrote something in her web above Wilbur’s door. She described Wilbur as “Some Pig” and “Great.”

Mr. Zuckerman then believed Wilbur was very special. So he put the pig into a _______. Charlotte helped her friend to be the winner. Mr. Zuckerman was _________ and promised that he would not kill Wilbur.

Soon Charlotte was tired and finally left the world. But she gave birth to some babies before she ___________. Most of the baby spiders left. Wilbur felt lonely again. _________, three of the baby spiders stayed with Wilbur. They became his __________, just like their mother once did.

Charlotte’s Web teaches us that life is short and special. We should enjoy the moments we spend with our friends and family.

【1】A.called B.pushed C.raised D.warned

【2】A.girl B.pig C.ball D.field

【3】A.lonely B.natural C.proud D.safe

【4】A.us B.them C.her D.him

【5】A.help B.money C.food D.service

【6】A.match B.party C.journey D.opera

【7】A.bored B.afraid C.pleased D.shy

【8】A.smiled B.died C.changed D.moved

【9】A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Also D.Firstly

【10】A.fans B.children C.coaches D.friends

五、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  We often hear about many disasters(灾难) in news. However, many of us still think, “Natural disasters won’t happen around me!” In fact, natural disasters could happen around anyone. Several kinds of disasters may happen in most cities. It’s important to know what to do before, during and after a disaster.

Robert Richardson is a doctor of first aid. He shares some advice on getting prepared for natural disasters.

The first thing to do is to do some research. Try to learn what kind of disasters once hit your city. Find out how people saved themselves after those disasters.

Another key point is to get ready for the basic needs. That means preparing enough water and food at home. When a natural disaster hits, you may have to stay inside your house for days!

Richardson also suggests developing an escape(逃生) plan. When a disaster happens, staying inside can be dangerous sometimes. You must think about where to go and how to get there before disasters.

【1】From the first paragraph, we know many people think natural disasters _______.

A.are far from them B.happen very often

C.happen only in big cities D.are impossible to stop

【2】How many pieces of advice does Richardson share with us?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

【3】Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A.Robert Richardson is a policeman in a big city.

B.It’s a good idea to stay inside when a natural disaster hits.

C.An escape plan may help you know where to go when disasters happen.

D.We can know what kind of disaster is the most harmful from the passage.

六、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


  A new way to keep fit while doing a good thing for someone is popular across the UK.

GoodGym is a running group free for anyone to join. Every week, its members get advice from a fitness coach and go running together. At the same time, they run with a purpose(目的). They do jobs for others if they need help. While keeping healthy, they can choose to stay with an old person in the area they live and run to his or her house to stop them from feeling lonely. Before running back home, they may help to cook dinner or clean the house.

People are glad to join GoodGym. They can enjoy both running and doing something good. Every week, they are looking forward to meeting and working with all the runners in their area. The weekly project(项目) is also the best way to help them keep running. They can’t give up, because someone is waiting to get help from them.

【1】Who gives advice to the members of GoodGym? (不超过5个词)


【2】What can people in GoodGym enjoy? (不超过10个词)_________

【3】Why can’t the members in GoodGym give up running? (不超过10个词)____

七、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)












注意: 1. 词数70左右;

2. 请结合实际,增加细节,适当发挥;

3. 文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

It’s much more common to see accidents on rainy or snowy days in winter. So it’s important for us to pay attention when going out. _____________________________

Anyway, safety comes first. Hope you can travel safely all the time.

八、 (共1题,共5分)



【1】“______ (hide) behind the door,” says Jackie’s sister. “Tony won’t find you.”

【2】Mr Smith called me while I ______ (have) afternoon tea with my friend yesterday.

【3】You’d better ______ (not use) the lift. There’s something wrong with it.

【4】Lily still has no idea about what ______ (buy) for her brother’s birthday.

【5】We should pay attention to ______ (correct) mistakes in time when studying math.

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