冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 单元测试卷(含听力)
一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


The young man often offers his seat to  ________ people on the bus.

A.friendly B.elderly C.politely D.successfully

二、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)


  I organized a picnic last Sunday. I got upe【1】 and called some of my closest friends. First, we decided on a good.p【2】 to go, and then we talked about what food to bring. Everyone cooked the dishes that could be carried.【3】 (easy).Everything was put into a backpack and we.【4】 (take) it across fields. When we finally got there, we sat down eating, and enjoyed a nice day together. And I was quite sure that food tasted much.【5】 (good) on a picnic than anywhere else!

三、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running — men and women, young and old. People run_____— along the beaches of California,______Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in______living rooms.

Running wasn’t so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used______,“Hey, what’s the hurry for?”or they might say to______,“Is he crazy?”At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at. But today all these have_____Men and women of all______enjoy running.

Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States______these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking______exercise. Doctors tell us,“Eat less, don’t smoke, and exercise more. ”Running is a good exercise______it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.

【1】A.anywhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.nowhere

【2】A.among B.through C.with D.on

【3】A.our B.your C.his D.their

【4】A.to asking B.to speak C.to speaking D.to ask

【5】A.them B.themselves C.their D.they

【6】A.changed B.stopped C.worked D.done

【7】A.people B.cities C.villages D.ages

【8】A.come from B.look for C.care for D.think of

【9】A.few B.many C.much D.little

【10】A.how B.where C.because D.until

四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  Young people and older people don't always agree with each other.They sometimes have different ideas about living,working and having fun.But in one special program in New York,adults and teenagers live together in peace.

Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group.Everyone works for several hours each day.The purpose of this program is not just to keep busy.It is also to find meaning and enjoyment in work.Some teenagers work on the farms near the village.Some learn to make furniture and to build houses.The adults teach them these skills.

There are several free hours each day.Weekends are free,too.During the free time,some of the teenagers learn photography and painting.Others sit around and talk or sing.Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.

When people live together,rules are always necessary.In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together.If someone breaks a rule,the whole group will discuss the problem.They ask,“Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience,“You don't only think about yourself.You learn how to think about the group.”

【1】The purpose of this program is ________.

A.to keep busy B.to find meaning in work

C.to find enjoyment in work D.A,B and C

【2】Which of the following is NOT the teenagers' activity during their free time?

A.To learn photography. B.To learn painting.

C.To learn to make furniture. D.To sit around and talk or sing.

【3】If someone in the group breaks a rule,________.

A.he must go away

B.the problem must be discussed by the group

C.he will be punished(惩罚) by others

D.he will be kept busy working

【4】People who join the group ________.

A.live together in peace

B.are busy working in order to learn more skills

C.only think about themselves

D.want to make friends with children

【5】Which is the best title of this passage?

A.Teenagers and adults B.A special program

C.How to spend your free time D.Enjoyment in work

五、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


  The people in the USA and England both speak English of course. But there are some important differences between ①________ English and ________ English. First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don't say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I don't know.” However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate.

②Sound__is__not__the__only__difference__between__British__English__and__American__English.Words sometimes have different meanings,too. Some American words are never used in England. The same thing is true of some British words in America. For example, the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different. Americans drive trucks, but in England people drive lorries. Many expressions are also different in the two countries. There're also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans usually use the helping verb “do” when they ask a question.

But the British often leave out the helping verb. All these differences can be confusing (易混淆的) if you are learning English. But most languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live in separate places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. It can also happen to other languages, such as French. Many people in Canada speak French.③ 但是他们的法语和法国的法语不一样。






【4】找出Languages change because of the time and the different places.的同义句。




六、连词成句 (共1题,共5分)



【1】China,made,visit,it,remember,me,one,my,to (.)


【2】offer, me, he, to, my, with, English, help (.)


【3】parts, rest, the, the, come, of, every, from, world (.)


【4】culture, to, works, their, alive, they, keep, hard (.)


【5】there, area, is, called, Chinatown, a, in, America, North (?)


七、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)


你在和Eric 的交流中了解到中美两国课堂有各自不同的特点,请你根据下表,简要描述这些特点,并就此谈谈自己的想法。













There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let's have a look. In China,____________________________________________________________________________





八、 (共1题,共5分)


A.guessed B.guess C.guest

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