一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


—What do you usually do in the evening?

— I either watch TV ________play basketball with my brother.

A.and B.also C.or

二、补全对话 (共1题,共5分)



A: Welcome to our restaurant! 【1】?

B: Yes, please. Do you have mutton noodles?

A: Yes, we do.

B: Are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles?

A: 【2】. Some carrots and potatoes are in it.

B: OK. I’d like a bowl of mutton noodles.

A: We have small, medium and large bowls.  【3】?

B: Medium, please. I’d like one fruit salad, too.  【4】?

A: 30 yuan.

B: Here is the money.

A: 【5】.

B: You’re welcome.

三、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)



One Sunday morning, Mary and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They sat down ________a big tree.

To their surprise, they heard a whisper(低语声) from the bushes(灌木丛) behind the tree. They looked around _______ saw nothing. “Is anybody there?" Mary asked. ________ answered. “That's strange(奇怪的)," the two girls were very ________. They left the park quickly. On _______ way home, they met Andy.

“What happened?" Andy asked.

“There's a ghost (鬼) in the _________!" Mary said. Then she told Andy everything. “What is it?" Andy wanted to know. He went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened _________. Then he heard the whisper! He searched(搜寻) the bushes.

“Here it is." Andy said to himself. He found a little cat in the bushes. It was very weak. When it miaowed (猫叫), it sounded like a whisper.

Andy picked up the little cat and went to find Mary and Amy.

“This is the ghost in the park." Andy said. Mary and Amy were very _________----it was just a little cat! ________, they took the little cat to the _________ hospital.

【1】A.under B.next C.between

【2】A.and B.or C.but

【3】A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Nobody

【4】A.sad B.glad C.afraid

【5】A.their B.theirs C.them

【6】A.school B.park C.lake

【7】A.carefully B.happily C.quickly

【8】A.surprising B.surprised C.scared

【9】A.At the end B.By the end C.In the end

【10】A.cats B.animals C.animal

四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  My grandmother is fifty-six years old. She loves to plant a lot of flowers. She likes animals because she thinks they are cute. And she enjoys cooking, but the dishes don’t taste good. She doesn’t like sports at all.

My grandmother has two pretty big eyes and she has long brown hair. She looks really beautiful. She always has a bright smile on her face and all the neighbors like to talk to her. We all think she’s also very generous and likes to help others. She often gives food to poor people. Sometimes, she gives them money to help them.

My grandmother is very popular with her friends and grandchildren. She often tells stories to us. We spend a lot of happy time together. But sometimes, she is strict with us because she hopes that we can get into a good university(大学) in the future.

We love our grandmother and hope she will be healthy and happy forever.

【1】How old is my grandmother?

A.She’s 56. B.She’s 65. C.She’s 46.

【2】My grandmother doesn’t like __________ at all.

A.flowers B.sports C.animals

【3】What color is my grandmother’s hair?

A.It’s black.

B.It’s blonde.

C.It’s brown.

【4】What does the underlined word “generous” mean?

A.普通的 B.严厉的 C.大方的

【5】Which of the following is TRUE?

A.My grandmother often tells jokes to us.

B.My grandmother isn’t good at cooking.

C.My grandmother isn’t strict with us.

五、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)



I’mMary.Mygrandparentsliveinaniceneighborhood.It's an interesting place to visit. I like to spendtimethereonweekends.

Thereisanold building in the center of the neighborhood. It’salibrary. It’s about 150 years old and lots of people like to read books there. There is a red building across from the library. It'sanoldpost office. It’s about 100 years old. Nexttoit,thereisasupermarket.

Myfavoriteplaceintheneighborhoodisthe WalkingStreet. There are many small restaurants on thisstreet.Iliketoeatall kindsofdeliciousfoods. There is a park behind the Walking Street.Mygrandparentsalwaysgo for a walkintheparkevery afternoon. It’s nice and quiet, andtheycanenjoythecleanairand sunshine.

【1】Does Mary like to spend time in her grandparents’ neighborhood?


【2】Where isthelibrary?


【3】How old is the oldpost office?


【4】Is there a restaurant or a park behindthe Walking Street?


【5】What do Mary’s grandparents always do in the afternoon?


六、翻译题 (共1题,共5分)



Summer vacation is coming. Do you want to visit some famous places? If you want to take a trip on your holiday, you must be ready for it.

First, it is good for you to go with some friends. ___Because friends can share the fun with you.

Second, you should know about the place you want to go.___知道那里的天气是重要的。You should take a map with you so that you may not get lost.

Last, you should be careful. You should only drink safe water. If your trip is in the summer, you should drink lots of safe water. ___You also need to wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses. And you shouldn't stay in the sun too long. __不要去危险的地方. Safety comes first. If you like to swim, remember not to swim alone.

___Wish you to have a good trip!






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