一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


This is _______ old football. I like playing _______ football very much.

A.an, the B.a, / C.an, / D.the, /

二、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】I don't think a _____(极小的)baby can do that.

【2】I gave my old friend a _____(拥抱)as soon as I met him at the airport.

【3】I've never _____ (后悔) the decision to work in China.

【4】Hangzhou is _____(广泛地 )known for its tea.

【5】The bookstore is on your right, _____ (在…旁边) the bank.

三、选词填空 (共1题,共5分)



stories  hand  spending  take unlucky

Dear classmates,

It’s March again. Don’t forget the important project this month—learning from Lei Feng. Would you like to give a ____ to people who need help?

How about ____ some time with the children who lost their parents? We will play games with them and tell them ____ . If possible, we will teach them how to make dumplings. Without the love of parents, they are ____ . Why not bring them some gifts to add a little cheer to their life?

Want to join us? Let’s meet at 7:00 at the school gate this Saturday. The school bus will ____ us there. Don’t be late.

Students’ Union






四、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Reading is the key to unknown worlds. When I open a _______,I enter a colorful world.

Twenty Thousand League Under the Sea is a great book that I can't put down. It is about a wonderful trip all around the world _______the surface of the sea. There is also sunlight underwater,so I can _______ rocks and coral(珊瑚)reflecting the sunlight in the water. It is fun to walk in water. It is fun to walk in the undersea forest,_______ the leaves of trees grow well.

But there are other worlds to travel to as well. Let’s take a broom(扫帚)and_______ to Hogwarts with Harry Porter. Hogwarts is a magic_______ for wizards(巫师). Students there have many interesting things. They fly on brooms and play Quiddiitch,a(n)_______ like soccer but played in the sky.

There is still _______ to see. I can go and open the gate to the Secret Garden. In this story, a rich man locks up his garden because his beloved wife died. But Mary, a young girl, comes to _______ the lifeless garden. The grass and trees turn green, the roses bloom again, and a lost friendship comes back to Mary’s life.

Reading breaks time and distance. Our lives are short, but there’s ________ an end to reading. I hope I will never stop reading.

【1】A.window B.room C.door D.book

【2】A.under B.in C.over D.on

【3】A.hear B.look C.feel D.see

【4】A.which B.that C.what D.where

【5】A.walk B.run C.fly D.do

【6】A.office B.school C.bank D.home

【7】A.party B.interview C.test D.game

【8】A.less B.more C.larger D.smaller

【9】A.clean up B.look at C.take care of D.look for

【10】A.never B.always C.often D.usually

五、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


Supermarket W

Opening hours:6: 00 a. m. -10:30 p. m.

Eggs (1 kilo):¥6. 50

Apples (1 kilo) :¥3. 80

Pork (1 kilo) :¥28. 20

Tomatoes (1 kilo):¥3. 58

Environment: very good

Service: good

Supermarket M

Opening hours: 6: 00 a. m. -10:00 p. m.

Eggs (1 kilo) :¥6. 60

Apples (1 kilo) :¥3. 96

Pork (1 kilo) :¥28. 20

Tomatoes (1 kilo) :¥3. 50

Environment very good

Service: good

Supermarket H

Opening hours: 7:30a. m. -10: 30 p. m.

Eggs (1 kilo) :¥6. 80

Apples (1 kilo):¥3. 30

Pork (1 kilo):¥27. 20

Tomatoes (1 kilo) :¥3. 30

Environment: bad

Service : just so-so

Supermarket J

Opening hours: 6: 00 a. m. -9: 30 p. m.

Eggs (1 kilo) :¥6. 90

Apples (1 kilo) :¥3. 90

Pork (1 kilo) :¥28. 60

Tomatoes (1 kilo) :¥3. 60

Environment: just so-so

Service: bad

【1】Which supermarket has the longest opening hours?

A.Supermarket W. B.Supermarket H.

C.Supermarket M. D.Supermarket J.

【2】The price of the pork in _____________ is the same as that in _____________ .

A.Supermarket W ; Supermarket M

B.Supermarket H; Supermarket J

C.Supermarket W; Supermarket H

D.Supermarket M; Supermarket J

【3】How much are the eggs per kilogram in Supermarket H?

A.¥6. 50. B.¥6. 60. C.¥6. 80. D.¥6. 90.

【4】How is the service in Supermarket J?

A.Good. B.Just so-so. C.Bad. D.Perfect.

【5】When can you go to Supermarket M to go shopping?

A.At 11: 30 p. m. B.At 5:50 a. m. C.At 10:00 p. m. D.At 6:30 a. m.

六、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)




1. 你在英语学习上曾遇到的困难;

2. Tom对你的帮助,建议及措施:




3. 对比过去,你现在英语学科的变化;对Tom的感谢和祝福。

要求:1. 用上所给要点,并适当发挥,使短文条理清楚、语句连贯;

2. 词数70左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

Dear Tom,

How time flies!It’s time for us to say goodbye.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

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