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1. 父母没有询问他的意见,就私自翻阅(look through) 他的个人物件。

2. 性格比较羞涩,和朋友相处的时间不多。




Dear Liu Yang,

I am sorry to know that you have been upset for some reasons these days. I would like to share my opinions and advice with you.


更新时间:2024-04-27 22:08:26

Dear Liu Yang,

I am sorry to know that you have been upset for some reasons these days. I would like to share my opinions and advice with you.

It's wrong for your parents to look through your personal things without your permission. I suggest having a talk with your parents and sharing your feelings about it. I am sure that they will understand you and respect your own space and secrets.

Moreover, you told me that you are too shy to express yourself and have little time with friends. In my opinion, friendship is a part of our lives, we can share happiness and sorrow with friends. My advice is that no matter how busy you are, spare some time with friends and keep balance between study and relaxation.

I hope my advice can be of some help for you. And I hope you can solve your problems as soon as possible, then you will be happy to study and live.

Yours Cindy



题型:书面表达 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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