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moved; terrible; worried about; remember; difficult; worried

【1】Elephant can ________places with food and water.

【2】The snake woke up and________into the forest.

【3】We________it would rain.

【4】I think the trip was ________. The train was slow and it was so hot.

【5】He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes________.

更新时间:2024-04-20 15:03:00








根据所给空前面的can可知,应该填的是动词原形,由后面的places with food and water可知,应该是记得,remember意为“记得”,故填remember。


根据所给空前面的The snake woke up可知,应该填的是动词的过去式,由后面的the forest可知,应该是移到森林,move into意为“搬入,移动”,move的过去式是moved,故填moved。


根据所给空后面的it would rain可知,应该是担心且时态是一般过去时,此处worried 后接句子,是一个宾语从句,所以用动词过去式worried“担心”,故填worried。


根据所给空前面的was可知,应该填的是形容词作表语,由后面的The train was slow and it was so hot可知,应该是糟糕的,terrible意为“糟糕的”,故填terrible。


根据所给空前面的is sometimes可知,应该填的是形容词作表语,由He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but可知,应该是困难的,difficult意为“困难的”,故填difficult。

题型:选词填空 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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