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  Mr. Turner has ten days off, and he doesn’t have to go to work. So he wants to go to Paris for a trip. He says to his wife, “I will _______ Paris by train and see some of my friends there.” He puts on his best clothes, take some books, goes to the station and _______ the train. He has a beautiful hat and he often puts his _______ out of the window and_______ the beautiful scenery (风景). Suddenly the wind blows (吹走) his hat off his head.

Then Mr. Turner _______ throws (扔) one of his books out of the window, too.

One of the passengers on the train asks him in surprise, “ _______ do you throw your book out of the window? Can your book _______the beautiful hat back?”

“No,” Mr. Turner answers, “I don’t _______ my name and address on my hat, but there are my name and address on my _______. If somebody __________ either of them, perhaps (也许) he will send me the book and the beautiful hat.” What do you think of Mr. Turner’s idea? Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

【1】A.go on B.come to C.leave for D.live in

【2】A.get off B.takes off C.gets on D.put on

【3】A.hat B.hands C.books D.head

【4】A.sees B.looks C.watches D.enjoys

【5】A.quickly B.quietly C.early D.slowly

【6】A.How B.Why C.When D.What

【7】A.bring B.take C.come D.stop

【8】A.show B.see C.write D.get

【9】A.hat B.book C.train D.hand

【10】A.buys B.wears C.loses D.finds

更新时间:2024-04-25 06:36:14












本文是一篇记叙文。Mr. Turner有10天的假期,打算去巴黎旅游。在去巴黎的火车上,他喜爱的帽子被风吹走了,这时Mr. Turner迅速地把自己的一本书从车窗扔了出去,因为书上有名字和地址,Mr. Turner认为捡到帽子或者书的人会把书和帽子给送他。


go on继续;come to来到;leave for动身去……;live in居住。由上一句“So he wants to go to Paris for a trip.”可知,Mr. Turner要去巴黎旅游。leave for意为“动身去……”,符合文意。故选C。


get off下(公共汽车、火车、飞机等);takes off起飞;gets on上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等);put on穿上。主语是he,时态是一般现在时,谓语动词也用一般现在时。排除A和D。这里表示“上了火车”,应用gets on。故选C。


hat帽子;hands手;books书籍;head头。由下一句“Suddenly the wind blows his hat off his head.”可知,风将Mr. Turner戴在头上的帽子吹走了,由此可推断他经常把头伸到窗外。故选D。


sees看;looks看;watches看;enjoys欣赏。Mr. Turner经常把头伸到窗外,应该是为“欣赏”美丽的风景,应用enjoy。故选D。

【5】句意:然后Mr. Turner很快地把他的其中一本书扔向了窗户外面。

quickly很快地;quietly安静地;early早地;slowly缓慢地。联系上下文语境可知,Mr. Turner应该是迅速地将一本书也扔到了窗外,这样书才能离帽子较近。故选A。


How怎样;Why为什么;When什么时候;What什么。由下文Mr. Turner的回答可推断,此处这位乘客是询问Mr. Turner将书扔到窗外的原因,故用why。故选B。


bring带来;take带走;come来;stop停止。根据句意此处这位乘客是问Mr. Turner他的书是否能将他美丽的帽子带回来。bring sth. back意为“将某物带回来”。故选A。


show展示;see看到;write写;get得到。此处是指Mr. Turner没有在帽子上“写上”自己的姓名和地址。故选C。


hat帽子;book书;train火车;hand手。由上文提到的Mr. Turner没有在帽子上写上姓名和地址及转折连词but可推断,书上应该有他的姓名和地址。故选B。


buys买;wears穿;loses丢失;finds发现。此处是指如果有人发现Mr. Turner的帽子或书,或许他会将它们寄给 Mr. Turner。故选D。

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