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Success by failure

I had failed again. It was the day of the big marathon. I had decided three years ago to train for the half-marathon event and take home a medal. There I sat, in front of my TV, while I watched others cross the finish line. It was just another in a long string (串) of failures. I had never met a single weight loss or fitness goal and I was majoring in the art of failing.

We are a family of exploration and often plan active vacations. It seemed that on every vacation I was the one who couldn't go the distance. Each time I urged (催促) my family, "Go on without me. Bring me lots of pictures and videos. I'll be fine just sitting here taking in the view. " I lied. Sick of being left behind, I decided that it would never happen again. Sure I was in my 50s, but surely there was still hope for me. I always spent weeks walking to prepare for our active vacations. I had lost weight many times. I just always seemed to fail to get where I needed to be.

But this time I would do something different. I was going to walk a half marathon. Surely 1 would lose weight and get in shape if I could complete over 12 miles in four hours. Besides, this would be training. Training sounded cooler than diet and exercise._______and ready to go. I bought the proper gear (装备) , checked out what type of drinks would be handed out at the marathon and prepared a lot. I had a plan!

Now two years later, there I sat, watching thousands of people of all ages succeed where I had failed. I walked out, angry with myself, sat down and had myself a pity party. I was a master at the art of pity parties, having a great deal of experience in holding them. What was my problem? Where was I going wrong? I stopped and considered each failure, one by one. I made some very interesting discoveries.

I had failed to climb to the top of that Mayan pyramid, but I did climb it and stood on those ancient stones. I had failed to meet a single weight loss goal and yet I had lost 43 pounds. I couldn't walk 12 miles in four hours, but I could walk 12 miles.

All my failures were sounding like a success story. This time I was giving thanks. I was thankful that I had been given the spirit of failure because failure meant that I was trying, that I didn't give up. I decided that I would be crossing the finish line next year.

【1】What can you leam from the passage?

A. The writer didn't lose any weight in the end.

B. The writer didn't climb the Mayan pyramid.

C. The writer didn't take part in the big marathon.

D. The writer didn't have holiclays with his family.

【2】What does the underlined sentence "I was revved up. " probably mean?

A. I got excited.   B. I felt moved.

C. I was pushed.   D. I was chosen

【3】Which words can best describe the writer in the passage?

A. Clever and friendly.

B. Interesting and proud.

C. Humorous and hopeful.

D. Kind and strong - willed.

【4】The writer probably agrees that____________.

A. one should never give up half way

B. setting a goal is the key to success

C. one can learn by making and correcting mistakes

D. trying but failing to reach the goal is still meaningful

更新时间:2024-04-26 20:10:55






试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要讲述了自己想参与半程马拉松的准备和尝试,尽管每次都失败了, 但是从某种意义来说,每次失败都有新的收获和进步,尽管失败了,但是尝试过了,有了一定的进步,所以作者依然决定下一年继续努力尝试,永不放弃,争取通过半程马拉松的终点线。

【1】C细节理解题。根据短文描述并结合“ It was the day of the big marathon. I had decided three years ago to train for the half-marathon event and take home a medal.”可知,作者并没有参加全程马拉松赛。结合选项可知应选C。

【2】A句意猜测题。联系下文“Now two years later, there I sat, watching thousands of people of all ages succeed where I had failed. I walked out, angry with myself, sat down and had myself a pity party. ”的描述可知,作者对制定的计划是非常兴奋的。结合选项可知应选A。

【3】C判断推理题。 通读全文,作者通篇都在以幽默的口吻对自己的没能参加马拉松、 没能爬上玛雅金字顶等一事无成的表现进行调侃,但是在结尾处又说不会放弃并决定继续尝试通过终点线“I decided that I would be crossing the finish line next year.”由此可以推知,作者既幽默又满怀希望。结合选项可知应选C。

【4】D主旨大意题。根据短文最后一段“ I was thankful that I had been given the spirit of failure because failure meant that I was trying, that I didn’t give up. ” 的描述可知,经过努力但是不能到达终点依然是有意义的。结合选项可知应选D。

题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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