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参考词汇:Saturday, Sunday, morning, afternoon, evening…
do homework, watch TV, go hiking, play sports, go camping, ride a bike, take pictures, clean the room, wash the clothes …

Monday, June 6th
I was busy last weekend. On Saturday, I ______

更新时间:2024-04-19 17:16:33

参考范文:Monday, June 6th I was busy last weekend. On Saturday, I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I played sports with my parents. In the evening, I watched TV. On Sunday, I rode a bike with my best friend Mike. In the afternoon, I went hiking with my father. In the evening I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I was very tired.




1. 根据题目提示,写过去周末的事,短文时态应该以一般过去时为主。

2. 提示活动有: do homework 做作业, watch TV看电视, go hiking远足, play sports做运动, go camping野营, ride a bike骑自行车, take pictures照相, clean the room打扫房间, wash the clothes洗衣服等,我们可以选取多个来组成句子,注意所用动词的过去式。

3. 我们选取did homework 做作业, watched TV看电视, went hiking远足, played sports做运动, rode a bike骑自行车,cleaned the room打扫房间, washed the clothes洗衣服来组成句子。

4. 根据时间顺序组成短文。

题型: 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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