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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


You can’t________your problem. You’d better try to solve it .

A.help out with B.run away from C.look forward to


Will you go fishing if it ________ tomorrow?

A.didn’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.won’t rain


Mr.Green doesn’t have any hobbies________ you call watching TV a hobby.

A.though B.unless C.because


If you give me ________ten minutes, I am sure I will do better.

A.some B.another C.more


I have to prepare ________my math test________ Friday afternoon.

A.at; on B.for; on C.on ;for


—Did you get Sam’s invitation?

—Yes. But I was so busy today that I almost forgot________to his invitation.

A.replying B.to answer C.to reply


If you are more careful, you’ll make ________ mistakes in your homework.

A.fewer B.less C.more


—Bill called to say he wouldn’t come to your party. —What? Did she say ________?

A.else anything B.everything else C.anything else


—________do you visit your grandparents, Linda? —Once a month.

A.How long B.How much C.How often


—Did you do well in ________exam last Monday, Tom? —Sure! I got ________ “A”.

A.an; the B.the;an C.the ;a




【1】Oh, I left my w________ at home! I have no money with me right now.

【2】I think a bad home e________ can affect(影响)a child’s growth.

【3】I didn’t take my umbrella, so I c________my head with a piece of newspaper when it rained yesterday.

【4】John is so busy these days. But I will let you know when he is a________.

【5】How are you getting on with the p________ for the welcome party.




discuss,  hope ,   bring,   expect, famous , one,

die,   true, reader, although, everybody, start

Do you like reading martial arts novels(武侠小说)in your free time? Do you know the very famous novelist in the world — Jin Yong. He’s famous for 【1】 his fantastic novels to a large group of people in the Chinese-speaking world. Although he died, his novels are still alive.

During his lifetime, he wrote 15 books. He created some of the 【2】 characters in the history of Chinese culture, like Guo Jing, Wei Xiaobao and Ling Huchong and so on. Jin Yong was not the 【3】 people to write about the martial arts world that is known as Jiang Hu, but 【4】 can deny(否认)that he wrote some of its best stories. His books were not only fun 【5】, but also helped to shape Chinese people’s characters. Jin Yong once said that he hoped people would still read his books even 100 or 200 years after his 【6】. As a fan of Jin Yong, I read many of his books. Each time when I read them, I 【7】 lose myself in the beauty of the books. Today, after a long 【8】 with my friends, we decide that we 【9】 a club for the people who are crazy about Jin Yong’s books in our neighborhood next month. We really 【10】 more fans to join us.




A: Hi, Steven. Could I talk to you for a second?

B: Sure! You looked pretty worried, Emily, what 【1】?

A: I think I know what I really like. I decided to be a 【2】 in the future.

B: Good for you! I know you won a large number of prizes in competitions and you are so interested in playing the piano.

A: But I’m afraid my parents won’t let me do that. I wasn’t even 【3】 enough to talk to them.

B: How come? I heard that you and your parents have quite a good 【4】.

A: We do, but this is about my future life. Between hobbies and study, we are all clear what choices our parents will make.

B: I know many students who have 【5】 problems like you. They also worry that their parents cannot understand them. So these students just give up their own thoughts(想法) and finally follow their 【6】.

A: Oh, I can’t 【7】 the life without things I really love. To be professional like Richard Clayderman or Lang Lang is always my dream. I began to play the piano when I was three. It’s 11 years and how can I give up my dream 【8】?

B: What’s your plan then?

A: I’ll talk to my parents. They care about me and I’m pretty sure they want me to live a happy life. I’ll study harder at the same time so that they can support(支持)me 【9】.

B: Great choice. You’ll never know how far you can go 【10】 you try your best.

A: So lucky to meet you today. I now know how important playing the piano is to me after talking to you.

B: Glad that I could help. Hope your parents will support your dream.



A: Mom, it’s Dad’s birthday the day after tomorrow. Will we eat out then?

B: No.【1】So I’ll cook at home.

A: Ok.【2】

B: A lot of things, of course. We need…

A: Wait a minute, Mom. 【3】 Oh, here it is.

B: We need meat, vegetables, fruit and…Oh, I can’t remember other things right now.

A: 【4】

B: Oh, yes. We need to order one from a store tomorrow. If we don’t do that, we won’t get it then.

A: 【5】

B: You’re right.

A.What do we need to prepare?

B.What about the birthday cake?

C.If we eat out, we will spend much money.

D.I’ll get a piece of paper and write them down.

E.I think we can do that on the way to the supermarket.



  I bought a jasmine(茉莉花) for my office. When I bought it, I was told it would bloom. My office would be full of _________sweet smell. I had the plant for 2 months and I often_________at it, but there weren't any flowers or nice smell. I was not happy with the _______. So I gave the plant to my friend Linda.

One day another friend, Mary called and invited me to her office. _________ I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. I held out my hand to_________the flowers. Mary cut some and gave them to me, I couldn't help smelling them. I was lost in the_________ smell of only a handful of these flowers. I suddenly understand _________.

Mary bought her plant the same time I did. It took a year for her jasmine to bloom so _________. But I was not patient enough.

In the way my life is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things _______.

Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad next week and she returned the plant back to me. This time, I am going to __________ my jasmine to bloom and I know that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient.

【1】A.my B.its C.our

【2】A.see B.look C.watch

【3】A.reply B.result C.reason

【4】A.If B.When C.But

【5】A.try B.trust C.touch

【6】A.common B.poor C.enjoyable

【7】A.something B.everything C.nothing

【8】A.quietly B.beautifully C.comfortably

【9】A.choose B.happen C.catch

【10】A.wait for B.worry about C.turn down


  My grandpa is 80 years old. Because of his old age, he often makes_________ in our modern(现代的) life. But we get along well together.

In everyday life, we _________ each other. My grandpa can’t cook by himself, so we often prepare different foods for him. Grandpa is open-minded, and he is always happy to try new things. Grandpa is good at doing housework,_________ he isn’t able to cook.

Sometimes my grandpa feels_________when he thinks of his hard life in the past. Then we tell him some funny jokes to make him happy. My grandpa knows a lot and he has a lot of experience. So when we_______some problems in life, we often ask Grandpa for advice. It is great to live with my grandpa!

【1】A.videos B.mistakes C.invitations

【2】A.help B.trust C.know

【3】A.if B.unless C.though

【4】A.upset B.angry C.worried

【5】A.bring B.meet C.use



  Kids’ birthday parties are more fun than adults’ parties. You don't have to be serious and there are a few things for parents to remember when they want to have one for their kids.

Make a list. Each kid wants different kinds of parties. Write down all your kid’s ideas on a piece of paper and then get things ready according to the list.

Make invitations. Make sure you won't have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game. Make sure you write down the name of each guest. So you will know the number of things you have to prepare such as chairs and plates.

Buy something. If you go to a party store, they will have everything you need and you won't have to go to different stores to get everything ready.

You need to decide whether to buy a cake or make one. Decide what kind of food to have. Make sure to get the food ready on time.

You could have some drinks such as coke and juice. Having a small bottle of cold water is a good idea too, especially during hot weather.

【1】If you don't want to forget to do things for the party, you should________.

A.invite everyone B.make a list C.buy many things

【2】If you have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game, what may happen?

A.They will enjoy both the game and the party.

B.All the children want to go to the party.

C.Your children may come to enjoy the game.

【3】What is the best place to buy things for the party?

A.A party store. B.A supermarket. C.A restaurant.

【4】Paragraph 6 may tell us to________.

A.plan party drinks B.invite right guests C.plan party food

【5】What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Why to organize a birthday party for kids.

B.When to organize a birthday party for kids.

C.How to organize a birthday party for kids.


Dear Sara,

You asked me how to make fruit salad in your email. Here is one way.

What we need:

Fruits, condensed milk(炼乳), sugar, ice cream.


Wash all the fruits and cut them into pieces, then put them into a big bowl.

Pour condensed milk into the bowl. Then you can add a little sugar.

Mix them well and place the bowl in the fridge to cool. Take it out in 10 minutes and add a spoon of ice cream.

You can enjoy the fruit salad now.


If you can't find condensed milk, add enough sugar to the fresh milk, mix them well and pour it over the fruits.

Make sure you choose foods that are not too sweet.

This is a great dish for kids who don't like to eat fruits.

If you have an unexpected visitor and don't have much time to make a snack(小吃), the salad will help you.



【1】Lisa taught Sara how to________in this email.

A.make fruit juice B.make fruit salad C.cook fish

【2】Sara doesn’t need ________to make the dish.

A.sugar B.ice-cream C.yogurt

【3】Which is RIGHT order?

①Add condensed milk and sugar and then mix them.

②Put the bowl in the fridge and add some ice-cream later.

③Wash fruits, cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl.

A.③②① B.③①② C.②①③

【4】The underlined word “unexpected” means “________” in Chinese.

A.意想不到的 B.令人失望的 C.身份尊贵的

【5】We can learn from the tips that ________.

A.nothing can take the place of condensed milk

B.it takes a very long time to make the dish

C.the dish is great for children who dislike fruits


  It is usually very expensive to take the special lessons to get a pilot’s license (执照). But for Selina and her 7 lucky classmates, things are much easier. They are taking a program to learn how to fly a plane. The lessons are all free.

Selina, a 17-year-old girl, is in Chicago. She has a hard life. Her parents are from Africa and they are very poor. They live in a poor neighborhood and Selina isn't able to go to a good school.

Selina likes planes and the sky. When she isn't happy, she looks up at the sky. The sky makes her happy. Selina wants to be a pilot. Now she is getting closer to her dream. The special program is called Tuskegee Next. It helps the young people to become pilots. These people are all from poor families. Learning to fly a plane can help them in different ways. By taking the program, they learn to follow rules and become more confident(自信的). The program will help more young people like Selina.

【1】Selina has to spend lots of money to become a pilot with a license.

【2】Selina can’t go to a good school because she is from Africa.

【3】At first, Selina didn't want to be a pilot.

【4】The program helps poor young people to become pilots.

【5】The passage is mainly about a program called Tuskegee Next.



B. 阅读下列短文,根据其内容,补全所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内题号后的横线上。

When you sleep somewhere else like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re there for a fun time. But you may still feel unhappy. You start to miss your family, your friends and want to go back. It’s called being homesick(想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here’s how:

Bring a bit of home with you. If you’re going away from home, bring your pillow(枕头) or pictures of the people you will miss and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. Make friends and join in activities. If you are busy in a new place, you will have less time to feel homesick. So try to find some interesting things to do and soon you might start to have a good time.

Keep in touch with your family and friends. You might choose a regular(定期的) day and time for phone calls. You can also write a letter! But make sure to tell them the fun things you are doing.

Ask your family or friends to visit you and act as their guide. Let them visit the place you live. You can also take a trip back home, but don’t go home every weekend.

Tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend. Then the two of you can do some interesting things together, such as telling jokes. If you’re at camp, you can also tell your camp teacher. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

How to feel less homesick

The 【1】 of homesick

It is a feeling you have when you are away from home.


What to do

Bring a bit of home

Bring something from home and look at them when you want.

Keep busy

Make friends and do something interesting to enjoy【2】.

Keep in touch

Make a phone call or write a letter, but don’t tell them boring things.

Plan a visit

*Ask your friends or family to see you and【3】 them ______ the place where you live.

*Go back home, but don’t do that too【4】.

【5】 your feeling with someone

*Talk with your friend and do something interesting together.

*Ask your camp teacher for help.














A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。

I'm a piano teacher. I can feel clearly how talent and hard work influence my students.

In fact, not everybody was good at playing the piano when they came to the world. For example, some of my students just spent 2 or 3 months learning to play the piano well. 【1】 Many of my talented students learn faster than I did before, but talent doesn't always bring a good result. When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes finds it boring and then gives up. 【2】

Some of my students work very hard. 【3】 I teach them again and again and they practice for now. However, it just does not work for these students. In my eyes, it is not necessary to do everything very well. 【4】 Then you can choose what you are truly interested in or good at and put all your heart into it.

【5】 If you want to do the best, you need to follow your talents and work as hard as you can. Don't give up half way.

A.When you really don't have any talent for something, the best way is to give up.

B.But other students need to learn for years.

C.Both talent and hard work play important roles in learning.

D.And talented students sometimes have other things they enjoy more, so they give up, too.

E.But they still can’t play the piano beautifully.

F.I hope they can go on with it.




You can’t________your problem. You’d better try to solve it .

A.help out with B.run away from C.look forward to





考查动词短语辨析。help out with帮忙做……;run away from逃避;look forward to期待。分析句子可知,此处表示“你不能逃避你的问题。你最好试着解决它。”的含义,强调“逃避”。故选B。


Will you go fishing if it ________ tomorrow?

A.didn’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.won’t rain





考查if引导的条件状语从句的“主将从现”。didn’t rain一般过去时;doesn’t rain一般现在时;won’t rain一般将来时。分析句子可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,需满足“主将从现”,从句应使用一般现在时。故选B。


Mr.Green doesn’t have any hobbies________ you call watching TV a hobby.

A.though B.unless C.because







If you give me ________ten minutes, I am sure I will do better.

A.some B.another C.more





考查不定代词。some一些;another又一,再一;more更多。分析句子可知,此处表示“再给十分钟”,可用another ten minutes/ ten more minutes表示。故选B。


I have to prepare ________my math test________ Friday afternoon.

A.at; on B.for; on C.on ;for





考查动词短语和时间介词。at在……;on其后一般加具体的时间/带day等词的节日/星期等;for因为,为了。分析第一处可知,此处构成“prepare for…”短语,翻译为“为……做准备”;分析第二处可知,此后加了具体的时间Friday afternoon,所以用时间介词on。故选B。


—Did you get Sam’s invitation?

—Yes. But I was so busy today that I almost forgot________to his invitation.

A.replying B.to answer C.to reply





考查动词辨析和动词不定式作宾语。replying回复,现在分词;to answer回答,动词不定式;to reply回复,动词不定式。分析句子可知,此处表示“回复”,排除B;forget to do sth强调忘记去做某事(未做),forget doing sth强调忘记做过某事(已做),此处表示“差点忘记去回复他的邀请”,还未做,所以使用动词不定式形式。故选C。


If you are more careful, you’ll make ________ mistakes in your homework.

A.fewer B.less C.more







—Bill called to say he wouldn’t come to your party. —What? Did she say ________?

A.else anything B.everything else C.anything else





考查不定代词辨析和定语后置。else anything错误的表达方式;everything else其它的一切;anything else别的东西。分析句子可知,此处表示“他还说其它什么了吗?”的含义,用于疑问句中,使用anything;又因为else是副词,与不定代词的位置关系是“不定代词+副词”。故选C。


—________do you visit your grandparents, Linda? —Once a month.

A.How long B.How much C.How often





考查特殊疑问句。How long多长,对时间或长度提问;How much多少钱,对价格提问/多少,对不可数名词提问;How often多久一次,对频率提问。根据答语“Once a month.”可知,此处是对频率提问。故选C。


—Did you do well in ________exam last Monday, Tom? —Sure! I got ________ “A”.

A.an; the B.the;an C.the ;a









【1】Oh, I left my w________ at home! I have no money with me right now.

【2】I think a bad home e________ can affect(影响)a child’s growth.

【3】I didn’t take my umbrella, so I c________my head with a piece of newspaper when it rained yesterday.

【4】John is so busy these days. But I will let you know when he is a________.

【5】How are you getting on with the p________ for the welcome party.






















discuss,  hope ,   bring,   expect, famous , one,

die,   true, reader, although, everybody, start

Do you like reading martial arts novels(武侠小说)in your free time? Do you know the very famous novelist in the world — Jin Yong. He’s famous for 【1】 his fantastic novels to a large group of people in the Chinese-speaking world. Although he died, his novels are still alive.

During his lifetime, he wrote 15 books. He created some of the 【2】 characters in the history of Chinese culture, like Guo Jing, Wei Xiaobao and Ling Huchong and so on. Jin Yong was not the 【3】 people to write about the martial arts world that is known as Jiang Hu, but 【4】 can deny(否认)that he wrote some of its best stories. His books were not only fun 【5】, but also helped to shape Chinese people’s characters. Jin Yong once said that he hoped people would still read his books even 100 or 200 years after his 【6】. As a fan of Jin Yong, I read many of his books. Each time when I read them, I 【7】 lose myself in the beauty of the books. Today, after a long 【8】 with my friends, we decide that we 【9】 a club for the people who are crazy about Jin Yong’s books in our neighborhood next month. We really 【10】 more fans to join us.



【2】most famous



【5】to read




【9】will start





bring动词,翻译为“带来”。分析句子可知,此处构成“bring … to…”短语,翻译为“把……带到……”;又因为此处用于介词for之后,所以此处用其动词ing形式。故填bringing。


famous形容词,翻译为“著名的”。分析“He created some of the ____2____ characters in the history of Chinese culture”可知,此处有范围in the history of Chinese culture,且空处前有定冠词the修饰,表示“最著名的”,所以此处用其形容词最高级形式。故填most famous。






reader名词,翻译为“读者”。分析句子可知,此处用于“be+形容词+to do sth”结构中,使用动词不定式作后置定语,所以此处用其动词不定式形式。故填to read。








start动词,翻译为“开始”。分析句子可知,本句的时间状语是next month,表示一般将来时,所以此处用其一般将来时形式。故填will start。






A: Hi, Steven. Could I talk to you for a second?

B: Sure! You looked pretty worried, Emily, what 【1】?

A: I think I know what I really like. I decided to be a 【2】 in the future.

B: Good for you! I know you won a large number of prizes in competitions and you are so interested in playing the piano.

A: But I’m afraid my parents won’t let me do that. I wasn’t even 【3】 enough to talk to them.

B: How come? I heard that you and your parents have quite a good 【4】.

A: We do, but this is about my future life. Between hobbies and study, we are all clear what choices our parents will make.

B: I know many students who have 【5】 problems like you. They also worry that their parents cannot understand them. So these students just give up their own thoughts(想法) and finally follow their 【6】.

A: Oh, I can’t 【7】 the life without things I really love. To be professional like Richard Clayderman or Lang Lang is always my dream. I began to play the piano when I was three. It’s 11 years and how can I give up my dream 【8】?

B: What’s your plan then?

A: I’ll talk to my parents. They care about me and I’m pretty sure they want me to live a happy life. I’ll study harder at the same time so that they can support(支持)me 【9】.

B: Great choice. You’ll never know how far you can go 【10】 you try your best.

A: So lucky to meet you today. I now know how important playing the piano is to me after talking to you.

B: Glad that I could help. Hope your parents will support your dream.















根据前句“You looked pretty worried, Emily”可知,此处是在询问“怎么了?”,可用what happened表示。故填happened。


根据后文“I know you won a large number of prizes in competitions and you are so interested in playing the piano.”可知,艾米莉赢得了许多奖项并且对弹钢琴很感兴趣,所以此处表示“钢琴家”的含义,可用pianist表示,用于句中作表语。故填pianist。


根据前句“But I’m afraid my parents won’t let me do that.”可知,艾米莉害怕父母不让她这么做,所以此处表示“我甚至不敢和他们谈”的含义,强调“勇敢的”,可用brave表示,用于“adj+ enough+ to do sth”结构中。故填brave。


分析“How come? I heard that you and your parents have quite a good____4____.”可知,史蒂文对于艾米莉不敢跟父母谈这件事感到惊讶,所以此处表示“我听说你和你父母关系很好”的含义,强调“关系”,可用relationship表示,用于句中作宾语。故填relationship。


根据后句“They also worry that their parents cannot understand them.”可知,有些学生也担心父母不理解他们,所以此处表示“我认识很多和你有类似问题的学生”的含义,强调“相似的”,可用similar表示,用于句中作定语修饰其后的名词problems。故填similar。


分析“So these students just give up their own thoughts(想法) and finally follow their___6___.”可知,此处表示“所以这些学生放弃自己的想法,最后遵循父母的想法”,强调“父母的想法”,为避免重复可用名词所有格表示。故填parents’。


分析“Oh, I can’t ____7____ the life without things I really love.”可知,此处表示“我无法忍受/想象没有我真正喜欢的东西的生活”的含义,强调“忍受/想象”,可用stand/imagine表示,此处用于情态动词can’t后,所以用其动词原形即可。故填stand/imagine。


分析“I began to play the piano when I was three. It’s 11 years and how can I give up my dream___8___?”可知,此处表示“已经11年了,我怎么能轻易放弃我的梦想呢”的含义,强调“轻易地”,可用easily表示,用于句中修饰动词give up。故填easily。


分析“I’ll study harder at the same time so that they can support(支持)me____9____.”可知,此处表示“同时我会更加努力地学习,这样他们最后就可以支持我了”的含义,强调“最后”,可用finally表示。故填finally。


分析“You’ll never know how far you can go ___10___you try your best.”可知,此处表示“除非你竭尽全力,否则你永远不知道你能走多远”,强调“除非”,可用unless表示,用于句中引导条件状语从句。故填unless。



A: Mom, it’s Dad’s birthday the day after tomorrow. Will we eat out then?

B: No.【1】So I’ll cook at home.

A: Ok.【2】

B: A lot of things, of course. We need…

A: Wait a minute, Mom. 【3】 Oh, here it is.

B: We need meat, vegetables, fruit and…Oh, I can’t remember other things right now.

A: 【4】

B: Oh, yes. We need to order one from a store tomorrow. If we don’t do that, we won’t get it then.

A: 【5】

B: You’re right.

A.What do we need to prepare?

B.What about the birthday cake?

C.If we eat out, we will spend much money.

D.I’ll get a piece of paper and write them down.

E.I think we can do that on the way to the supermarket.










根据前句“Will we eat out then?”和本句“No.___1___So I’ll cook at home.”可知,前者问是否出去吃饭,后者说不,要在家里做饭。所以此处强调不出去吃饭的理由。结合选项,故选C。


根据后句“A lot of things, of course. We need…”可知,表示需要准备很多东西,所以此处内容和需要的东西相关。结合选项,故选A。


根据前文“A lot of things, of course. We need…”和“Wait a minute, Mom.”可知,需要准备的东西很多,怕记不住,所以要拿张纸把它们写下来。结合选项,故选D。


分析“Oh, I can’t remember other things right now.”可知,妈妈现在记不起其他事情了,所以此处是孩子在想需要什么。结合选项,故选B。


根据“We need to order one from a store tomorrow. If we don’t do that, we won’t get it then.”可知,在讨论订蛋糕的事宜,所以此处内容与订蛋糕相关。结合选项,故选E。



  I bought a jasmine(茉莉花) for my office. When I bought it, I was told it would bloom. My office would be full of _________sweet smell. I had the plant for 2 months and I often_________at it, but there weren't any flowers or nice smell. I was not happy with the _______. So I gave the plant to my friend Linda.

One day another friend, Mary called and invited me to her office. _________ I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. I held out my hand to_________the flowers. Mary cut some and gave them to me, I couldn't help smelling them. I was lost in the_________ smell of only a handful of these flowers. I suddenly understand _________.

Mary bought her plant the same time I did. It took a year for her jasmine to bloom so _________. But I was not patient enough.

In the way my life is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things _______.

Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad next week and she returned the plant back to me. This time, I am going to __________ my jasmine to bloom and I know that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient.

【1】A.my B.its C.our

【2】A.see B.look C.watch

【3】A.reply B.result C.reason

【4】A.If B.When C.But

【5】A.try B.trust C.touch

【6】A.common B.poor C.enjoyable

【7】A.something B.everything C.nothing

【8】A.quietly B.beautifully C.comfortably

【9】A.choose B.happen C.catch

【10】A.wait for B.worry about C.turn down















my我的;its它的;our我们的。分析“When I bought it, I was told it would bloom. My office would be full of ____1____sweet smell.”可知,此处指茉莉花,用its在句中作定语修饰其后的名词smell。故选B。


see看见;look看起来;watch观看。分析句子可知,此处表示“看”,构成“look at”短语,翻译为“看……”。故选B。


reply回复;result结果;reason原因。分析“… but there weren't any flowers or nice smell. I was not happy with the ___3___. So I gave the plant to my friend Linda.”可知,作者没得到花和花香,所以对这个结果不满意,将花送给了朋友。故选B。


If如果;When当……时;But但是。分析“____4____ I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me.”可知,此处表示“当我走进去时,她的茉莉花让我大吃一惊”的含义,强调“当……时”,用于句中引导时间状语从句。故选B。


try尝试;trust信任;touch触摸。分析“I held out my hand to____5____the flowers.”可知,此处表示“我伸出手去摸花”的含义,强调“触摸”。故选C。


common普通的;poor贫穷的;enjoyable愉快的。分析“I was lost in the____6____ smell of only a handful of these flowers.”可知,此处表示“我沉浸在仅有的几朵花的香味中”的含义,作者很喜欢茉莉花,所以此处强调“愉快的”。故选C。




quietly安静地;beautifully美丽地;comfortably舒服地。分析“It took a year for her jasmine to bloom so ____8____.”可知,此处表示“她花了一年的时间才使茉莉花开得如此美丽”的含义,此处用来修饰花,强调“美丽地”。故选B。


choose选择;happen发生;catch赶上。分析“In the way my life is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let thing ___9___ .”可知,此处表示“我需要耐心,让事情顺其自然地发生”的含义,强调“发生”。故选B。


wait for等待;worry about担心;turn down拒绝,调小。根据最后一句“… and I know that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient.”可知,当我们在生活中想要什么东西的时候,我们必须要有耐心,所以此处强调“等待”。故选A。


  My grandpa is 80 years old. Because of his old age, he often makes_________ in our modern(现代的) life. But we get along well together.

In everyday life, we _________ each other. My grandpa can’t cook by himself, so we often prepare different foods for him. Grandpa is open-minded, and he is always happy to try new things. Grandpa is good at doing housework,_________ he isn’t able to cook.

Sometimes my grandpa feels_________when he thinks of his hard life in the past. Then we tell him some funny jokes to make him happy. My grandpa knows a lot and he has a lot of experience. So when we_______some problems in life, we often ask Grandpa for advice. It is great to live with my grandpa!

【1】A.videos B.mistakes C.invitations

【2】A.help B.trust C.know

【3】A.if B.unless C.though

【4】A.upset B.angry C.worried

【5】A.bring B.meet C.use










videos视频;mistakes错误;invitations邀请。分析句子可知,此处表示“因为他的年龄,他经常在现代的生活中犯错误”的含义,构成“make mistakes”短语,翻译为“犯错误”。故选B。


help帮助;trust信任;know知道。根据后句“My grandpa can’t cook by himself, so we often prepare different foods for him.”可知,爷爷不会做饭,所以我们经常帮助爷爷,为他准备不同的食物。此处强调“帮助”。故选A。


if如果;unless除非;though虽然。分析“Grandpa is good at doing housework,____3____ he isn’t able to cook.”可知,前后两句构成让步关系,表示“爷爷虽然不会做饭,但是擅长做家务”的含义,用though引导让步状语从句。故选C。


upset沮丧的;angry生气的;worried担心的。根据后句“Then we tell him some funny jokes to make him happy.”可知,每当这时,我们都会给他讲有趣的笑话,让他开心。所以此处与“开心的”含义相反。故选A。


bring带来;meet遇见;use使用。分析“So when we___5___some problems in life, we often ask Grandpa for advice.”可知,此处表示“所以当我们在生活中遇到一些问题时,我们经常向爷爷征求意见”的含义,强调“遇见”。故选B。



  Kids’ birthday parties are more fun than adults’ parties. You don't have to be serious and there are a few things for parents to remember when they want to have one for their kids.

Make a list. Each kid wants different kinds of parties. Write down all your kid’s ideas on a piece of paper and then get things ready according to the list.

Make invitations. Make sure you won't have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game. Make sure you write down the name of each guest. So you will know the number of things you have to prepare such as chairs and plates.

Buy something. If you go to a party store, they will have everything you need and you won't have to go to different stores to get everything ready.

You need to decide whether to buy a cake or make one. Decide what kind of food to have. Make sure to get the food ready on time.

You could have some drinks such as coke and juice. Having a small bottle of cold water is a good idea too, especially during hot weather.

【1】If you don't want to forget to do things for the party, you should________.

A.invite everyone B.make a list C.buy many things

【2】If you have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game, what may happen?

A.They will enjoy both the game and the party.

B.All the children want to go to the party.

C.Your children may come to enjoy the game.

【3】What is the best place to buy things for the party?

A.A party store. B.A supermarket. C.A restaurant.

【4】Paragraph 6 may tell us to________.

A.plan party drinks B.invite right guests C.plan party food

【5】What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Why to organize a birthday party for kids.

B.When to organize a birthday party for kids.

C.How to organize a birthday party for kids.









【1】推理判断题。A:邀请每个人;B:列清单;C:买许多东西。根据第二段中“Write down all your kid’s ideas on a piece of paper and then get things ready according to the list.”可知,把你孩子所有的想法写在一张纸上,然后根据清单准备好。所以如果怕忘记要为聚会做的事,就列清单。故选B。

【2】细节理解题。根据第三段中“Make sure you won't have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game.”可知,如果你在孩子足球赛的同时举办派对,孩子们可能会去踢足球。故选C。

【3】细节理解题。根据第四段中“If you go to a party store, they will have everything you need and you won't have to go to different stores to get everything ready.”可知,如果你去派对商店买东西那么就不需要再去其他地方了,所以派对商店是买东西的最佳地点。故选A。

【4】段落大意题。A:计划聚会饮料;B:邀请正确的客人;C:计划派对食物。分析第六段内容“You could have some drinks such as coke and juice. Having a small bottle of cold water is a good idea too, especially during hot weather.”可知,第六段主要向我们介绍派对饮料。故选A。



Dear Sara,

You asked me how to make fruit salad in your email. Here is one way.

What we need:

Fruits, condensed milk(炼乳), sugar, ice cream.


Wash all the fruits and cut them into pieces, then put them into a big bowl.

Pour condensed milk into the bowl. Then you can add a little sugar.

Mix them well and place the bowl in the fridge to cool. Take it out in 10 minutes and add a spoon of ice cream.

You can enjoy the fruit salad now.


If you can't find condensed milk, add enough sugar to the fresh milk, mix them well and pour it over the fruits.

Make sure you choose foods that are not too sweet.

This is a great dish for kids who don't like to eat fruits.

If you have an unexpected visitor and don't have much time to make a snack(小吃), the salad will help you.



【1】Lisa taught Sara how to________in this email.

A.make fruit juice B.make fruit salad C.cook fish

【2】Sara doesn’t need ________to make the dish.

A.sugar B.ice-cream C.yogurt

【3】Which is RIGHT order?

①Add condensed milk and sugar and then mix them.

②Put the bowl in the fridge and add some ice-cream later.

③Wash fruits, cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl.

A.③②① B.③①② C.②①③

【4】The underlined word “unexpected” means “________” in Chinese.

A.意想不到的 B.令人失望的 C.身份尊贵的

【5】We can learn from the tips that ________.

A.nothing can take the place of condensed milk

B.it takes a very long time to make the dish

C.the dish is great for children who dislike fruits









【1】细节理解题。根据“You asked me how to make fruit salad in your email.”可知,丽萨在这封邮件中教莎拉做水果沙拉。故选B。

【2】细节理解题。根据“Fruits, condensed milk(炼乳), sugar, ice cream.”可知,做水果沙拉需要水果、炼乳、糖和冰淇淋,不需要酸奶。故选C。

【3】细节理解题。①Add condensed milk and sugar and then mix them. 加入炼乳和糖,然后混合。②Put the bowl in the fridge and add some ice-cream later. 把碗放在冰箱里,过一会儿再加一些冰淇淋。③Wash fruits, cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl. 把水果洗干净,切成片,放在碗里。根据文中Steps下的步骤可知,正确的顺序应为③①②。故选B。

【4】词句猜测题。分析“If you have an unexpected visitor and don't have much time to make a snack(小吃), the salad will help you.”可知,如果你有一个意想不到的客人,没有多少时间做小吃,那么沙拉会帮助到你。此处表示“意想不到的”,故选A。

【5】推理判断题。A:没有什么能代替炼乳。根据“If you can't find condensed milk, add enough sugar to the fresh milk”可知,如果没有炼乳,可以用糖和牛奶代替,该项表述错误;B:做这道菜要花很长时间。根据“If you have an unexpected visitor and don't have much time to make a snack(小吃), the salad will help you.”可知,如果突然来了客人,没时间准备其他小吃,那么沙拉是个好的选择,所以水果沙拉做起来很方便,该项表述错误;C:这道菜很适合不喜欢水果的孩子。根据“This is a great dish for kids who don't like to eat fruits.”可知,对于不喜欢吃水果的孩子来说,这是一道很好的菜,该项表述正确。故选C。


  It is usually very expensive to take the special lessons to get a pilot’s license (执照). But for Selina and her 7 lucky classmates, things are much easier. They are taking a program to learn how to fly a plane. The lessons are all free.

Selina, a 17-year-old girl, is in Chicago. She has a hard life. Her parents are from Africa and they are very poor. They live in a poor neighborhood and Selina isn't able to go to a good school.

Selina likes planes and the sky. When she isn't happy, she looks up at the sky. The sky makes her happy. Selina wants to be a pilot. Now she is getting closer to her dream. The special program is called Tuskegee Next. It helps the young people to become pilots. These people are all from poor families. Learning to fly a plane can help them in different ways. By taking the program, they learn to follow rules and become more confident(自信的). The program will help more young people like Selina.

【1】Selina has to spend lots of money to become a pilot with a license.

【2】Selina can’t go to a good school because she is from Africa.

【3】At first, Selina didn't want to be a pilot.

【4】The program helps poor young people to become pilots.

【5】The passage is mainly about a program called Tuskegee Next.








本文主要想我们介绍了一个名为Tuskegee Next的项目,它帮助来自贫困家庭的年轻人成为飞行员,是免费的课程,通过这个项目,他们学会遵守规则和变得更加自信。这个项目将帮助更多像赛琳娜这样的年轻人。

【1】细节理解题。根据“The lessons are all free.”可知,课程是免费的。题干表述错误,故填B。

【2】细节理解题。根据“Her parents are from Africa and they are very poor. They live in a poor neighborhood and Selina isn't able to go to a good school.”可知,赛琳娜不能去上好的学校是因为她住在贫穷的社区,并不是因为她来自非洲。题干表述错误,故填B。

【3】细节理解题。根据“Selina likes planes and the sky. When she isn't happy, she looks up at the sky. The sky makes her happy. Selina wants to be a pilot. Now she is getting closer to her dream.”可知,赛琳娜喜欢飞机和天空,她想成为一名飞行员,并且现在她离自己的梦想更近了,所以她一开始就想成为飞行员。题干表述错误,故填B。

【4】细节理解题。根据“It helps the young people to become pilots. These people are all from poor families.”可知,这个项目帮助年轻人成为飞行员,这些人都来自贫困家庭。题干表述正确,故填A。

【5】主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要向我们介绍了一个名为Tuskegee Next的项目。题干表述正确,故填A。



B. 阅读下列短文,根据其内容,补全所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内题号后的横线上。

When you sleep somewhere else like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re there for a fun time. But you may still feel unhappy. You start to miss your family, your friends and want to go back. It’s called being homesick(想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here’s how:

Bring a bit of home with you. If you’re going away from home, bring your pillow(枕头) or pictures of the people you will miss and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. Make friends and join in activities. If you are busy in a new place, you will have less time to feel homesick. So try to find some interesting things to do and soon you might start to have a good time.

Keep in touch with your family and friends. You might choose a regular(定期的) day and time for phone calls. You can also write a letter! But make sure to tell them the fun things you are doing.

Ask your family or friends to visit you and act as their guide. Let them visit the place you live. You can also take a trip back home, but don’t go home every weekend.

Tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend. Then the two of you can do some interesting things together, such as telling jokes. If you’re at camp, you can also tell your camp teacher. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

How to feel less homesick

The 【1】 of homesick

It is a feeling you have when you are away from home.


What to do

Bring a bit of home

Bring something from home and look at them when you want.

Keep busy

Make friends and do something interesting to enjoy【2】.

Keep in touch

Make a phone call or write a letter, but don’t tell them boring things.

Plan a visit

*Ask your friends or family to see you and【3】 them ______ the place where you live.

*Go back home, but don’t do that too【4】.

【5】 your feeling with someone

*Talk with your friend and do something interesting together.

*Ask your camp teacher for help.



【2】yourself / yourselves

【3】show; around





【1】分析表格中“It is a feeling you have when you are away from home.”可知,这是一种你离开家的感觉。此处是在描述思乡病的含义,可用meaning表示。故填meaning。

【2】分析第三段中“So try to find some interesting things to do and soon you might start to have a good time.”可知,试着找一些有趣的事情去做,很快你/你们就会开始玩得开心。have a good time可用enjoy oneself代替,“你/你们”的反身代词是yourself / yourselves。故填yourself / yourselves。

【3】分析第五段中“Ask your family or friends to visit you and act as their guide.”可知,让你的家人或朋友来拜访你,并充当他们的向导。结合表格,此处表示“带……参观”,可用show…around表示。故填show; around。

【4】分析第五段中“You can also take a trip back home, but don’t go home every weekend.”可知,你也可以回家旅行,但不要每个周末都回家。结合表格,此处表示“回家不要太频繁”,可用too often表示。故填often。

【5】分析最后一段中“Tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend.”可知,当你想家时,可以告诉别人你想家了,这会让你感觉更好;你也可以告诉你的朋友。结合表格,此处表示“和他人分享你的感受”,可用share表示,为与前文一致,此处需大写首字母。故填Share。














The new year is coming. Peter’s family are making new years’ resolutions.

Peter's father is planning to find a good job and do more exercise. His mother is going to learn to sing, take photos and cook delicious food. As for Peter, he decides to study harder and learn to play the violin and play soccer. His sister will eat less junk food and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Everyone is looking forward to the new year. They hope everything will go better.





A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。

I'm a piano teacher. I can feel clearly how talent and hard work influence my students.

In fact, not everybody was good at playing the piano when they came to the world. For example, some of my students just spent 2 or 3 months learning to play the piano well. 【1】 Many of my talented students learn faster than I did before, but talent doesn't always bring a good result. When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes finds it boring and then gives up. 【2】

Some of my students work very hard. 【3】 I teach them again and again and they practice for now. However, it just does not work for these students. In my eyes, it is not necessary to do everything very well. 【4】 Then you can choose what you are truly interested in or good at and put all your heart into it.

【5】 If you want to do the best, you need to follow your talents and work as hard as you can. Don't give up half way.

A.When you really don't have any talent for something, the best way is to give up.

B.But other students need to learn for years.

C.Both talent and hard work play important roles in learning.

D.And talented students sometimes have other things they enjoy more, so they give up, too.

E.But they still can’t play the piano beautifully.

F.I hope they can go on with it.










分析“For example, some of my students just spent 2 or 3 months learning to play the piano well.”可知,前后两句构成转折关系,表示“一些学生花了2到3个月的时间来学习钢琴,但是其他学生需要学习多年”的含义。结合选项,故选B。


根据前句“When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes finds it boring and then gives up.”可知,当弹钢琴对一个学生来说似乎很容易,他或她有时会觉得无聊,然后放弃,此处内容与放弃相关。结合选项,故选D。


分析“Some of my students work very hard.”可知,此处表示“一些学生很勤奋,但是他们仍然不能把钢琴弹得很好”的含义,前后两句构成转折关系,强调勤奋不一定成功。结合选项,故选E。


分析“In my eyes, it is not necessary to do everything very well. ____4____ Then you can choose what you are truly interested in or good at and put all your heart into it.”可知,此处作者强调没必要把时间浪费在自己没天赋的事情上,与其坚持不如选择自己真正感兴趣和擅长的事情。结合选项,故选A。


分析最后一段“____5____ If you want to do the best, you need to follow your talents and work as hard as you can. Don't give up half way.”可知,此处作者强调天赋和勤奋都是重要的,建议我们跟随自己的天赋,尽可能地努力做到最好。结合选项,故选C。