牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit Numbers 自测练习

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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):

【1】Tom is the ________ one to come to school. (second, two)

【2】One-________ of a meter is called a centimeter. (hundred, hundredth)

【3】Peter is fifteen years old. John is ________ as old as Peter. How old is John? (second, twice)

【4】Mary is taking pictures on ________ Avenue. (the Fifth, Fifth)

【5】Six ________ by ten equals sixty. (multiply, multiplied)

【6】________ of visitors come to Shanghai for travelling every day. (Thousands, Thousand)

【7】The meeting room is on the ________ floor. (nine, ninth)

【8】Linda is a girl of ________. (eleven, eleventh)



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):

Chinese people are used to thinking the numbers 6, 8 and 9 are lucky ones, but how about 142857? This number seems common, but it is the most amazing number in the w【1】. Why? Let’s look at a few facts about this number.

First, get the number multiplied by 1 to 6 and all the results are amazing b【2】 they are made up of the same numbers but in different orders. For example, 142857 multiplied by 2 is 285714 while 142857 multiplied by 6 is 857142. S【3】, if it is multiplied by 7 and we get a more amazing number 99999. Third, the number is multiplied by i【4】 and we can get a super large number 20408122449. However, when we a【5】 the front five numbers to the back six numbers, we get the same number 142857 again. Is it amazing?

In fact, people found this mysterious(神秘的)number inside the pyramids(金字塔)of Egypt. People also discovered the number is linked to seven days of a week. So you see, nature is r【6】 amazing. And we can learn a lot from it.



Translate the following into English(请用祈使句翻译下列各句):



















Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “The Importance of Numbers”:

Suggested questions:

1. Do you use numbers in your daily life?

2. How can we use them?

3. What do you think of them?



Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage(将标题与文章段落配对)

A. What should budding(初露头角的)chefs try first?

B. What do kids learn in the kitchen?

C. Why is it important for kids to learn about food?

D. How do parents get their kids busy in the kitchen?


I’ve found that when kids cook, they’re more likely to taste new foods and eat dinner well! More than once, I felt sad when my children refused to eat what I’d prepared. But when they’re involved(参与)in the cooking, they’re interested in the meal.


A UK study found that if a child learns to cook from the beginning, they’ll be far more likely to do the same as an adult — and preparing food from the beginning is linked to healthier eating. It’s good for their future.


Whichever type your child loves to eat. If they love macaroni(通心粉)cheese or roast chicken, just let them make the foods they love.


Choose a day of the week that you are not busy. Spend time with your kids beforehand and find a recipe they’d like to try. Make sure you have the ingredients in advance, and be with them to help when your children prepare the meal. Parents need to take a step back and let their children have more time in the kitchen — it does so much for their sense of independence(独立).

牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit Numbers 自测练习



Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):

【1】Tom is the ________ one to come to school. (second, two)

【2】One-________ of a meter is called a centimeter. (hundred, hundredth)

【3】Peter is fifteen years old. John is ________ as old as Peter. How old is John? (second, twice)

【4】Mary is taking pictures on ________ Avenue. (the Fifth, Fifth)

【5】Six ________ by ten equals sixty. (multiply, multiplied)

【6】________ of visitors come to Shanghai for travelling every day. (Thousands, Thousand)

【7】The meeting room is on the ________ floor. (nine, ninth)

【8】Linda is a girl of ________. (eleven, eleventh)












the+序数词+to do sth,意为第几个做某事的人,这是里应该用序数词,故答案为second。




英语倍数的表达法为:……倍数+as+形容词或副词+as,所以这儿要用倍数twice, 故答案为twice。


Fifth Avenue前不加the是强调专有名词属性,无需限定词;当然加the 也可以,但必须把后面的单词小写,故答案为Fifth。


乘法用 multiplied by表示。故答案为multiplied。


thousand 是基数词,表示数量1000,前面有基数词时不用变复数,比如 a thousand words,thousand words;thousands of 是固定短语,译为"成千的,数千的", 后面跟可数名词的复数形式,比如thousands of words;首字母大写,故答案为Thousands。




一个十一岁的女孩可以说an eleven-year-old girl,也可以说a girl of eleven.都要用基数词。故答案为eleven。




Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):

Chinese people are used to thinking the numbers 6, 8 and 9 are lucky ones, but how about 142857? This number seems common, but it is the most amazing number in the w【1】. Why? Let’s look at a few facts about this number.

First, get the number multiplied by 1 to 6 and all the results are amazing b【2】 they are made up of the same numbers but in different orders. For example, 142857 multiplied by 2 is 285714 while 142857 multiplied by 6 is 857142. S【3】, if it is multiplied by 7 and we get a more amazing number 99999. Third, the number is multiplied by i【4】 and we can get a super large number 20408122449. However, when we a【5】 the front five numbers to the back six numbers, we get the same number 142857 again. Is it amazing?

In fact, people found this mysterious(神秘的)number inside the pyramids(金字塔)of Egypt. People also discovered the number is linked to seven days of a week. So you see, nature is r【6】 amazing. And we can learn a lot from it.











后文提到了the pyramids(金字塔)of Egypt. 根据首字母提示,in the world 固定短语,故答案为world。


依据本句前面all the results are amazing结果是神奇的,与后文的they are made up of the same numbers but in different orders结果由这些相同数字组成只是顺序不同的另外一串数字,前后存在因果关系,故答案为because。




Be multiplied by乘以,后面不是一个数字,所以这儿应该是乘以本身,故答案为itself。







Translate the following into English(请用祈使句翻译下列各句):


















【1】Please keep quiet.

【2】Go out of my room.

【3】Don’t look out of the window.

【4】Let her join us.

【5】Don’t get in the way. Stand there.

【6】Please turn off your mobile phones when you enter the classroom.

【7】Give me your homework, Peter.

【8】Please don’t be late again, children!



【1】keep quiet.保持安静,keep后接形容词;please请;故答案为Please keep quiet.

【2】get out of 从……出来;my room我的房间,祈使句以动词原形开头;故答案为Go out of my room.

【3】look out of 从……向外看;否定祈使句以Don’t 开头,故答案为Don’t look out of the window.

【4】let sb do sth让某人做某事;join sb 加入到某人当中来,故答案为Let her join us.

【5】get in the way挡道,碍事;stand站立,there那边,故答案为Don’t get in the way. Stand there.

【6】turn off 关上,关闭;your mobile你的手机;enter the classroom进入教室;故答案为Please turn off your mobile phones when you enter the classroom.

【7】give sb sth 给某人某物;homework家庭作业;故答案为Give me your homework, Peter.

【8】否定祈使句以Don’t开头;be late迟到;故答案为Please don't be late again, children!

。祈使句类型:1. 肯定的祈使句:(1)Be开头。Be quiet. (2) please用在祈使句中可以表示一种客气的语气,但please用在句末时,必须用逗号与其余部分分开。Open the window, please.(3)Let引导祈使句时,后面需跟上人称代词或称呼语,人称代词一般只用第一、第三人称。Let Jack wait a minute. 2. 否定祈使句通常以Don't或Never开头。其结构通常是:"Don't(Never)+动词原形+其他成分" 例如:Don't do that again! Never leave today's work for tomorrow! Don't be late next time!



Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “The Importance of Numbers”:

Suggested questions:

1. Do you use numbers in your daily life?

2. How can we use them?

3. What do you think of them?


The Importance of Numbers

Numbers are very important in our daily life. Maths teachers use numbers to teach us how to do calculations and solve problems. We read numbers from newspapers to know the information and facts. When we go to the supermarket, numbers can be seen everywhere to show the prices. Without numbers, it will be difficult for us to even tell the time.

Our life will be difficult without it.





Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage(将标题与文章段落配对)

A. What should budding(初露头角的)chefs try first?

B. What do kids learn in the kitchen?

C. Why is it important for kids to learn about food?

D. How do parents get their kids busy in the kitchen?


I’ve found that when kids cook, they’re more likely to taste new foods and eat dinner well! More than once, I felt sad when my children refused to eat what I’d prepared. But when they’re involved(参与)in the cooking, they’re interested in the meal.


A UK study found that if a child learns to cook from the beginning, they’ll be far more likely to do the same as an adult — and preparing food from the beginning is linked to healthier eating. It’s good for their future.


Whichever type your child loves to eat. If they love macaroni(通心粉)cheese or roast chicken, just let them make the foods they love.


Choose a day of the week that you are not busy. Spend time with your kids beforehand and find a recipe they’d like to try. Make sure you have the ingredients in advance, and be with them to help when your children prepare the meal. Parents need to take a step back and let their children have more time in the kitchen — it does so much for their sense of independence(独立).









依据下文的they’re more likely to taste new foods and eat dinner well!,以及when they’re ...they’re interested in the meal.可知本段是讲孩子们做饭能学到什么,故选B。


依据下面的they’ll be far …preparing food … is linked to healthier eating. It’s good for their future.可知本段主要说了解食物对孩子们的好处,故选C。


依据下面的Whichever type…macaroni(通心粉)cheese or roast chicken, just let them make the foods they love.可知本段主要是讲无论孩子们想做什么饭,尽管让他们去做。故选A。


依据下文的Spend time with …find a recipe ... Make sure you have the ingredients …be with them to help …Parents need to take a step back and let their children have more time in the kitchen.事先准备好菜谱,与孩子一起下手,当孩子需要帮助时确保在他身边,这是在讲怎样让孩子做饭,故选D。