牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit Trouble自测练习

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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子):

【1】The clever woman followed the young man onto the ferry. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the clever woman ________ the young man onto the ferry?

【2】A robbery took place at the famous restaurant, the Pizza Palace yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

________ did a robbery ________ place yesterday?

【3】Two women tourists were talking about the interesting places in Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)

___________________ two women tourists doing?

【4】The TV news reported a big fire yesterday.(改为否定句)

The TV news ________________ a big fire yesterday.

【5】Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school. (改为反意疑问句)

Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school, ________________ ?

【6】I believe you can solve this problem by yourself. (保持句意基本不变)

I believe you can ________________ this problem by yourself.

【7】saw, to, terrible, a, they, their way, on, traffic accident, school (连词成句)




Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

As we set off on the boat to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the diving lesson began with instructions on how to breathe underwater. The breathing device connects to the oxygen tanks on our backs.. We put the other end in our mouths so that we can breathe through it. The instructor told us to breathe slowly and regularly through our mouths. We mustn't breathe too deeply or we'll use up all our air very quickly. After some practice in a swimming pool, Ị was comfortable with it. Out here on the boat we put on the rubber diving suits. and slipped the webbed flippers onto our feet. Then, it was time to jump in!

I flipped over the side of the boat, and I slowly let the air out of my diving jacket. I sank beneath the surface and entered a whole new world. I had entered a colourful wonderland more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. There was peace and silence. The only sound I could hear was the bubbles from my device as I breathed underwater. We saw lots of colourful fish, coral (珊瑚) and an octopus (章鱼). A dolphin circled up and down and all around us.

As we went deeper, my ears hurt from the water pressure. Following the diving instructor’s advice, I swallowed to reduce the pressure. After a while, the instructor signaled us to go up. We had been underwater for 40 minutes! It felt like only five.

I wish I could go back to the feeling of being swallowed by the ocean. I wanted to live underwater forever. I felt like "a fish out of water".

【1】The author is taking a ________ class.

A.swimming B.fishing C.diving D.breathing

【2】How do you breathe through the breathing device?

A.You breathe through the mouth while diving. B.You breathe through the nose while diving.

C.You can breathe with it underwater and on land. D.You can breathe with it only in a swimming pool.

【3】What creates the sound the author hears?

A.The fish swimming by. B.The motor of the boat above them.

C.The bubbles made by using the breathing device. D.The pressure of the water.

【4】How did the author know when to go back to the surface?

A.The author ran out of air.

B.Her watch made a sound and told her to go up.

C.The fish swam away, and there was nothing left to see.

D.The instructor signaled everyone to go up to the surface.

【5】Which word best describes the feeling of the author as she was diving?

A.Excited. B.Lost. C.Confused. D.Comfortable.

【6】Why did the author say the 40 minutes underwater felt like five?

A.She enjoyed the time So much that it seemed to go by quickly.

B.She had a hard time breathing, so she was happy to get out quickly.

C.The time on her watch had stopped after five minutes.

D.Time passes more slowly underwater.



Choose the word or expression in the box which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence (选择方框中与划线部分意思相近的词或词组):

A. took place B. strange C. called a number D. full information E. noticed F. at once

【1】Write and tell me your news soon after you get there.

【2】It was unusual to see my lazy son up so early this morning

【3】The worker dialed 119 as soon as he found fire was on.

【4】Nobody knew when the traffic accident happened.

【5】Would you please give some more details about your travelling?

【6】Miss Wang saw and realized the student in red looked ill in her English class.



Complete the sentences with suitable verbs (用恰当的动词形式填空):

【1】Paul ________(lose) his new iPad yesterday.

【2】Mary ________(move) to her new flat three weeks ago.

【3】Neither of the little boys ________(be) afraid when they saw the snake.

【4】He went there in 1991. He ________(stay) there for 27 years.

【5】I ________(have) an exciting party with my classmates last weekend.

【6】Don't worry. Your son ________(come) back soon.

【7】I ________(tell) her the news as soon as she returns tomorrow.

【8】We ________(check) the new computer when the electricity went off.

牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit Trouble自测练习



Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子):

【1】The clever woman followed the young man onto the ferry. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the clever woman ________ the young man onto the ferry?

【2】A robbery took place at the famous restaurant, the Pizza Palace yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

________ did a robbery ________ place yesterday?

【3】Two women tourists were talking about the interesting places in Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)

___________________ two women tourists doing?

【4】The TV news reported a big fire yesterday.(改为否定句)

The TV news ________________ a big fire yesterday.

【5】Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school. (改为反意疑问句)

Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school, ________________ ?

【6】I believe you can solve this problem by yourself. (保持句意基本不变)

I believe you can ________________ this problem by yourself.

【7】saw, to, terrible, a, they, their way, on, traffic accident, school (连词成句)



【1】   Did   follow  

【2】   Where   take  

【3】What were

【4】   didn't   report  

【5】   didn't   she  

【6】   deal   with  

【7】They saw a terrible traffic accident on their way to school.


【1】原句时态是一般过去时;“followed”是实义动词,变一般疑问句时应借助助动词did,而且大写,后接动词原形follow。故答案为(1). Did   (2). follow。

【2】画线部分表示地点,故用where提问,句首单词大写;剩下部分变成一般疑问句,took是动词过去式,变一般疑问句时应借助助动词did,后接动词原形take。故答案为(1). Where   (2). take。

【3】原句是过去进行时,画线部分表示正在做的事情,故用what提问且大写,时态也是过去进行时(was/ were +现在分词);“two women tourists”是复数,故用were。故答案为What were。

【4】原句时态是一般过去时;“reported”是实义动词,变否定句时应借助助动词did的否定形式didn’t,后接动词原形report。故答案为(1). didn't   (2). report   。

【5】反意疑问句一般遵循“前肯后否”和“前否后肯”的原则。前后两部分的人称和动词时态要保持一致。此句的前一部分是肯定句,时态是一般过去时;后一部分应是否定形式,时态也是一般过去时。前一部分谓语动词是动词过去式(forgot),后一部分的简单问句应借助助动词did的否定形式didn’t;前一部分主语是Mary,则后一部分用she代替。故答案为(1). didn't   (2). she  。

【6】can是情态动词,后接动词原形;solve解决,处理,动词,相当于deal with。故答案为(1). deal   (2). with   。

【7】由动词“saw”可知,时态是一般过去时。they他们,代词作主语;a terrible traffic accident可怕的交通事故,名词短语;on their way to school在上学的路上。结合句意:他们在上学的路上看到了一起可怕的交通事故。故答案为They saw a terrible traffic accident on their way to school.




Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

As we set off on the boat to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the diving lesson began with instructions on how to breathe underwater. The breathing device connects to the oxygen tanks on our backs.. We put the other end in our mouths so that we can breathe through it. The instructor told us to breathe slowly and regularly through our mouths. We mustn't breathe too deeply or we'll use up all our air very quickly. After some practice in a swimming pool, Ị was comfortable with it. Out here on the boat we put on the rubber diving suits. and slipped the webbed flippers onto our feet. Then, it was time to jump in!

I flipped over the side of the boat, and I slowly let the air out of my diving jacket. I sank beneath the surface and entered a whole new world. I had entered a colourful wonderland more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. There was peace and silence. The only sound I could hear was the bubbles from my device as I breathed underwater. We saw lots of colourful fish, coral (珊瑚) and an octopus (章鱼). A dolphin circled up and down and all around us.

As we went deeper, my ears hurt from the water pressure. Following the diving instructor’s advice, I swallowed to reduce the pressure. After a while, the instructor signaled us to go up. We had been underwater for 40 minutes! It felt like only five.

I wish I could go back to the feeling of being swallowed by the ocean. I wanted to live underwater forever. I felt like "a fish out of water".

【1】The author is taking a ________ class.

A.swimming B.fishing C.diving D.breathing

【2】How do you breathe through the breathing device?

A.You breathe through the mouth while diving. B.You breathe through the nose while diving.

C.You can breathe with it underwater and on land. D.You can breathe with it only in a swimming pool.

【3】What creates the sound the author hears?

A.The fish swimming by. B.The motor of the boat above them.

C.The bubbles made by using the breathing device. D.The pressure of the water.

【4】How did the author know when to go back to the surface?

A.The author ran out of air.

B.Her watch made a sound and told her to go up.

C.The fish swam away, and there was nothing left to see.

D.The instructor signaled everyone to go up to the surface.

【5】Which word best describes the feeling of the author as she was diving?

A.Excited. B.Lost. C.Confused. D.Comfortable.

【6】Why did the author say the 40 minutes underwater felt like five?

A.She enjoyed the time So much that it seemed to go by quickly.

B.She had a hard time breathing, so she was happy to get out quickly.

C.The time on her watch had stopped after five minutes.

D.Time passes more slowly underwater.










【1】细节理解题。根据第一段“…the diving lesson began with instructions on how to breathe underwater.”可知,应是潜水课。故选C。

【2】细节理解题。根据第一段“The breathing device connects to the oxygen tanks on our backs. We put the other end in our mouths so that we can breathe through it.”可知,潜水时用嘴呼吸。故选A。

【3】细节理解题。根据第二段“The only sound I could hear was the bubbles from my device as I breathed underwater.”可知,作者听到用呼吸装置产生的气泡声。故选C。

【4】细节理解题。根据第三段“After a while, the instructor signaled us to go up.”可知,指导员示意我们上去。故选D。

【5】细节理解题。根据感叹句“Then, it was time to jump in!”及“We had been underwater for 40 minutes! It felt like only five.”可知,作者很兴奋,在水下呆了40分钟,感觉只有五分钟。故选A。

【6】推理判断题。根据最后一段“I wish I could go back to the feeling of being swallowed by the ocean. I wanted to live underwater forever.”可知,作者非常享受在海底的这段时间,所以感觉时间过得很快。故选A。



Choose the word or expression in the box which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence (选择方框中与划线部分意思相近的词或词组):

A. took place B. strange C. called a number D. full information E. noticed F. at once

【1】Write and tell me your news soon after you get there.

【2】It was unusual to see my lazy son up so early this morning

【3】The worker dialed 119 as soon as he found fire was on.

【4】Nobody knew when the traffic accident happened.

【5】Would you please give some more details about your travelling?

【6】Miss Wang saw and realized the student in red looked ill in her English class.










根据句意可知,soon意为“马上”,相当于at once。故答案为F。




dialed是动词过去式,意为“拨号”,相当于called a number。故答案为C。


happened是动词过去式,意为“发生”,相当于took place。故答案为A。


details是名词,意为“信息,详情”,相当于full information。故答案为D。


根据句意可知,saw and realized是并列动词,皆为动词过去式,意为“注意到”,相当于noticed。故答案为E。



Complete the sentences with suitable verbs (用恰当的动词形式填空):

【1】Paul ________(lose) his new iPad yesterday.

【2】Mary ________(move) to her new flat three weeks ago.

【3】Neither of the little boys ________(be) afraid when they saw the snake.

【4】He went there in 1991. He ________(stay) there for 27 years.

【5】I ________(have) an exciting party with my classmates last weekend.

【6】Don't worry. Your son ________(come) back soon.

【7】I ________(tell) her the news as soon as she returns tomorrow.

【8】We ________(check) the new computer when the electricity went off.





【4】has stayed


【6】will come

【7】will tell

【8】were checking





由“three weeks ago三周前”可知,时态是一般过去时;move过去式moved。故答案为moved。


从句“when they saw the snake”是一般过去时,主句也用一般过去时。neither两者都不,代词,作主语时谓语动词在大多数情况下用第三人称单数形式。故答案为was。


“for 27 years”表示一段时间,强调动作从过去持续到现在,故用现在完成时(have/ has+done);由主语“He”可知,应用has;stay过去分词stayed。故答案为has stayed。


由“last weekend上周末”可知,时态是一般过去时;have过去式had。故答案为had。


soon不久,常用于一般将来时,结构:will+动词原形。故答案为will come。


as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”的原则;从句“as soon as she returns tomorrow”是一般现在时,故主句用一般将来时,结构:will+动词原形。故答案为will tell。


从句“when the electricity went off”用一般过去时,主句应用过去进行时(was/ were+现在分词),表示一个动作发生的时候,另一个动作正在进行。主语是“We”,故用were;check现在分词checking。故答案为were checking。