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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


We can __________ the drums. ( )

A.beat B.strum C.blow


The Great Wall is in __________. ( )

A.New York B.Beijing C.London


__________ is a kind of Western instrument. ( )

A.Piano B.Erhu C.Guzheng


__________ is in Australia. ( )

A.The Eiffel Tower B.The Statue of Liberty C.The Sydney Opera House



Choose and write. (读句子,选择最佳单词填空。)

【1】It is __________ (cool / cold / hot) outside. You should put on your coat.

【2】Lisa likes doing sports. She __________ (reads / swims / sings) every day.

【3】I __________ (called / saw / visited) my grandma on my phone last Sunday.

【4】Lin Tao __________ (gave / got / lost) his computer. He cannot surf the Internet now.

【5】Here are a lot of clothes. Please put __________ (him / it / them) away.


Choose and write. (读句子,选择最佳单词填空。)

【1】He __________ (washed / dropped / put) the plates onto the ground. They were broken.

【2】I __________ (lost / watched / found) some money in my room. I gave it to my mum.

【3】Linda was __________ (excited / sad / scared) because she had a nice party last night.

【4】She was late for school because she __________ (got/ took/ missed) the school bus.

【5】Don't __________ (jump / open / pull). Just push.



Read and judge. (阅读短文判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)

Our feelings are always changing. Sometimes we're happy. Sometimes we're sad. Sometimes we're excited. Sometimes we're worried. When we get a nice gift, we may feel happy or even excited. But when we lose it, we may feel upset. People have different feelings on one thing. For some people, they may feel sad when a game is over, but for other people, they may feel happy. People show their feelings differently. For some people, we can see their feelings from their faces or in their eyes, or by the tone of their voice. But for other people. We can't find their real feelings easily. Everyone has good days and bad days. Sometimes it is helpful to share our feelings with others. Talking to other people about our feelings can help us relax and feel better.

【1】Feelings do not often change. (_____)

【2】People will not feel sad if they lose something. (_____)

【3】Everyone feels sad when a game is over. (_____)

【4】Not all the people show their feelings on their faces. (_____)

【5】Sharing our feelings with other people can help us feel relaxed. (_____)


Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确选项。)

Dan lived in a small house in a village. One night, he was awakened by a noise. He thought it might be a thief. He took a stick and went out of his bedroom. When he went into the kitchen, he found a fox struggling in the water tank. When Dan looked at the fox, he found its eyes filled with tears. He dropped the stick and saved the fox from the water tank. After a few months, the fox came back to Dan at midnight. Dan brought some meat and water to the fox, but the fox didn't eat anything. It snapped at one of Dan's shoes, and pulled out hard. Dan followed the fox to the open yard. When he looked back, he found his house fell down. It was an earthquake. The fox saved his life. He was surprised. He cried, “Thank you so much!”

【1】__________ made the noise one night. ( )

A.A man B.A thief C.A fox

【2】Dan found a fox in the __________. ( ) B.bedroom yard

【3】The fox came back to Dan __________ later. ( )

A.a few years B.a few months C.a few days

【4】Dan brought some __________ to the fox. ( )

A.meat B.milk C.vegetables

【5】The fox __________. ( )

A.took Dan's shoes away B.stole Dan's clothes C.saved Dan's life




opened key looked office

Nick got home yesterday evening, but he couldn't find the 【1】 of his house. He 【2】 for it in his bag and pockets, but he couldn't find it. Then he decided to go to his 【3】 to look for it. He went downstairs and walked to his car. When he 【4】 the door of his car. He found the key lying on the driver s seat.


Choose and write. (根据上下文,从方框内选词填空。)

call time   talk   back

A: Hi, Jim. This is Cathy. Can we 【1】 about our camping plan now?

B: Sorry. I'm fixing my model plane. Can you call 【2】 later?

A: Fine. I'll 【3】 you in the afternoon. OK?

B: Sure. What 【4】?

A: At about two thirty.

B: All right. Speak to you soon.




We can __________ the drums. ( )

A.beat B.strum C.blow




句意:我们可以打鼓。A. beat击打,B. strum漫不经心地弹(弦乐器),C. blow吹,故选A。


The Great Wall is in __________. ( )

A.New York B.Beijing C.London




句意:长城是在_____。A. New York纽约,B. Beijing北京,C. London伦敦,根据常识长城在北京,故选B。


__________ is a kind of Western instrument. ( )

A.Piano B.Erhu C.Guzheng




句意:_____是一种西洋乐器。A. Piano钢琴;B. Erhu二胡;C. Guzheng古筝;A是西洋乐器,BC是中国乐器,故选A。


__________ is in Australia. ( )

A.The Eiffel Tower B.The Statue of Liberty C.The Sydney Opera House




句意:_____在澳大利亚。A. The Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔,在法国;B. The Statue of Liberty自由女神像,在美国;C. The Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院,在澳大利亚;故选C。



Choose and write. (读句子,选择最佳单词填空。)

【1】It is __________ (cool / cold / hot) outside. You should put on your coat.

【2】Lisa likes doing sports. She __________ (reads / swims / sings) every day.

【3】I __________ (called / saw / visited) my grandma on my phone last Sunday.

【4】Lin Tao __________ (gave / got / lost) his computer. He cannot surf the Internet now.

【5】Here are a lot of clothes. Please put __________ (him / it / them) away.










【3】句意:上星期天我打电话给我奶奶。called打电话/ saw 看见/ visited拜访,能on the phone的,是打电话,故答案为called。




Choose and write. (读句子,选择最佳单词填空。)

【1】He __________ (washed / dropped / put) the plates onto the ground. They were broken.

【2】I __________ (lost / watched / found) some money in my room. I gave it to my mum.

【3】Linda was __________ (excited / sad / scared) because she had a nice party last night.

【4】She was late for school because she __________ (got/ took/ missed) the school bus.

【5】Don't __________ (jump / open / pull). Just push.















Read and judge. (阅读短文判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)

Our feelings are always changing. Sometimes we're happy. Sometimes we're sad. Sometimes we're excited. Sometimes we're worried. When we get a nice gift, we may feel happy or even excited. But when we lose it, we may feel upset. People have different feelings on one thing. For some people, they may feel sad when a game is over, but for other people, they may feel happy. People show their feelings differently. For some people, we can see their feelings from their faces or in their eyes, or by the tone of their voice. But for other people. We can't find their real feelings easily. Everyone has good days and bad days. Sometimes it is helpful to share our feelings with others. Talking to other people about our feelings can help us relax and feel better.

【1】Feelings do not often change. (_____)

【2】People will not feel sad if they lose something. (_____)

【3】Everyone feels sad when a game is over. (_____)

【4】Not all the people show their feelings on their faces. (_____)

【5】Sharing our feelings with other people can help us feel relaxed. (_____)








【1】题干句意:感情不常改变。根据Our feelings are always changing. 可知感情总是在改变,表述不正确,故答案为F。

【2】题干句意:如果失去了什么,人们不会感到悲伤。根据But when we lose it, we may feel upset. 可知失去东西会悲伤,表述不正确,故答案为F。

【3】题干句意:比赛结束时每个人都感到悲伤。根据People have different feelings on one thing. For some people, they may feel sad when a game is over, but for other people, they may feel happy. 可知比赛结束有喜有悲,表述不正确,故答案为F。

【4】题干句意:不是所有的人都在脸上流露出他们的感情。根据But for other people. We can't find their real feelings easily. 可知表述正确,故答案为T。

【5】题干句意:与他人分享我们的感受可以帮助我们感到放松。根据Talking to other people about our feelings can help us relax and feel better.



Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确选项。)

Dan lived in a small house in a village. One night, he was awakened by a noise. He thought it might be a thief. He took a stick and went out of his bedroom. When he went into the kitchen, he found a fox struggling in the water tank. When Dan looked at the fox, he found its eyes filled with tears. He dropped the stick and saved the fox from the water tank. After a few months, the fox came back to Dan at midnight. Dan brought some meat and water to the fox, but the fox didn't eat anything. It snapped at one of Dan's shoes, and pulled out hard. Dan followed the fox to the open yard. When he looked back, he found his house fell down. It was an earthquake. The fox saved his life. He was surprised. He cried, “Thank you so much!”

【1】__________ made the noise one night. ( )

A.A man B.A thief C.A fox

【2】Dan found a fox in the __________. ( ) B.bedroom yard

【3】The fox came back to Dan __________ later. ( )

A.a few years B.a few months C.a few days

【4】Dan brought some __________ to the fox. ( )

A.meat B.milk C.vegetables

【5】The fox __________. ( )

A.took Dan's shoes away B.stole Dan's clothes C.saved Dan's life








【1】题干句意:一天晚上____发出了噪音。根据When he went into the kitchen, he found a fox struggling in the water tank. 可知噪音是一只狐狸挣扎发出来的,故选C。

【2】题干句意:Dan发现一只狐狸在____。根据When he went into the kitchen, he found a fox struggling in the water tank. 可知是在厨房发现的,故选A。

【3】题干句意:狐狸回到Dan身边____以后。根据After a few months, the fox came back to Dan at midnight. 可知是几个月之后,故选B。

【4】题干句意:Dan买了一些____给狐狸。根据Dan brought some meat and water to the fox, but the fox didn't eat anything.可知买了一些肉和水,故选A。

【5】题干句意:狐狸____。根据The fox saved his life. 可知狐狸救了Dan的命,故选C。




opened key looked office

Nick got home yesterday evening, but he couldn't find the 【1】 of his house. He 【2】 for it in his bag and pockets, but he couldn't find it. Then he decided to go to his 【3】 to look for it. He went downstairs and walked to his car. When he 【4】 the door of his car. He found the key lying on the driver s seat.










【2】句意:他在包里和口袋里找,但找不到。会在包里口袋里翻找钥匙,寻找look for,故答案为looked。




Choose and write. (根据上下文,从方框内选词填空。)

call time   talk   back

A: Hi, Jim. This is Cathy. Can we 【1】 about our camping plan now?

B: Sorry. I'm fixing my model plane. Can you call 【2】 later?

A: Fine. I'll 【3】 you in the afternoon. OK?

B: Sure. What 【4】?

A: At about two thirty.

B: All right. Speak to you soon.















【1】句意:我们现在能谈谈我们的露营计划吗?谈论talk about,故答案为talk。

【2】句意:你能晚点打电话给你吗?这边打来了,需要打回去call back,故答案为back。


【4】下一句回答时间,这边问时间,What time?故答案为time。