外研版英语七年级上册 Module 质量评估试卷
一、选词填空 (共1题,共5分)


用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次, 每空一词。

cook; luck; tell; sweep; tree

【1】Let's _______the classroom.

【2】You are a _______dog.

【3】My mother is_______ the meal now.

【4】Don't ___________him the secret, please.

【5】There are many green _______and colourful flowers in Nanhu Park in spring.

二、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Li Shan is from China, and Spring Festival is the most ______(重要的)festival in her country. It happens in January or ______(二月). Li Shan has got some photos of it. In the first photo, it's a few days before Spring Festival and her mother is ______(打扫)the house and sweeping away bad ______(运气). They buy a lot of food before the festival. They are ______(庆祝)Spring Festival with a ______(传统的)family ______(晚餐)on the evening before Spring Festival in the second photo. Li Shan is eating a kind of ______(饺子)called jiaozi. After the dinner, they usually watch a special programme on TV. In the last photo, they are visiting the ______(叔叔)and aunts. They're ______(穿)new sweaters and coats. Li Shan always gets a hongbao, which means lucky money.











三、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Christmas is celebrated in many countries. It is a(n)______ festival in Western countries, such as England and______.Everyone in Western countries ______Christmas. Before Christmas people get everything ______ for it. For example, on the ______  before that day, people often  have a dinner by the Christmas tree. They buy ______ for other family members before Christmas and put the presents under the Christmas tree.

In my family, my mother usually  ______ a big Christmas cake for us. My old grandfather usually buys the Christmas tree. My father and I usually decorate(装饰)______.We put many beautiful lights on the______.And everyone feels very ______.

【1】A.difficult B.important C.expensive D.busy

【2】A.America B.India C.China D.Japan

【3】A.waits B.leaves C.enjoys D.gives

【4】A.red B.bad C.away D.ready

【5】A.evening B.morning C.afternoon D.noon

【6】A.food B.presents C.cars D.clothes

【7】A.does B.eats C.makes D.finishes

【8】A.it B.him C.us D.them

【9】A.wall B.door C.table D.tree

【10】A.interesting B.afraid C.happy D.delicious

四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  June 1st is the International Children's Day. In the morning, my parents take me to Xinhua bookstore. There they buy two books for me: TheLittleGirlattheWindow and TheBookWrittenbyZhengYuanjieforChildren. The first book is about a shy little girl. She becomes open and likes to talk with people after she goes to a new place. The second book tells many interesting stories with a lot of cute pictures. And this book can help children develop(形成)good habits. Then we have lunch in KFC. Mum and Dad have hamburgers and cola. I have a hamburger and some ice cream. Luckily, I get a special gift. It is a Mickey Mouse toy for Children's Day.

In the afternoon we watch KungFuPanda in the Xinhua Cinema. It's one of my favourite movies. I like Panda Po very much, because he is brave and smart. And I can learn a lot from him. I really have a happy Children's Day.

【1】The underlined word “shy” means “______” in Chinese.

A.可爱的 B.善变的

C.阳光的 D.害羞的

【2】Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer gets his books in a library.

B.Zheng Yuanjie writes the book— TheLittleGirlattheWindow.

C.The writer and his family have hamburgers in the KFC.

D.The writer likes Panda Po because he is very kind.

【3】The best title for the passage is ______.

A.The History of Children's Day

B.The International Children's Day

C.A Happy Day with My Friends

D.A Happy Children's Day with My Parents

五、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


  My mother is a good mother. She is busy with the housework. Today is Mother's Day. My father and I want my mum to spend a wonderful day.

My dad and I get up early. We do all the housework before mum gets up. Then we decide to have lunch in the park and give her a surprise. So my father goes out to get ready for it. At noon I take her to the park. There she sees many beautiful flowers and delicious food. She feels very happy. After eating lunch, we go to the theatre and watch a movie about mother's love.

My mother is the kindest person in the world. I love my mother.


______ Day.

Before mum gets up

My father and I do all the ______.

In the morning

My father gets many flowers and delicious food ______.

At noon

I take my mum to the ______.

In the afternoon

My ______ go to see a movie.






六、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)



假如你是张虹, 春节到了, 你想给你在国外的表妹Betty写一封信, 表达你的祝福, 告诉Betty你正在做的事, 并询问Betty正在做什么。50词左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。

Dear Betty,

Spring Festival is coming in China.__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!


Zhang Hong

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