一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


/ðeə(r) ˈɪz(ə)nt ˈɛnɪθɪŋ ɪn ðə bɒt(ə)l/

A.There isn't anything in the bottle.

B.There is nothing in the bottle.

C.There is everything in the bottle.

二、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Everyone has their own way of growing up. Do you know 【1】the British princes and princesses(王子和公主)grow up?

Prince George is six years old. He is two years 【2】(old) than his sister, Princess Charlotte. They have to learn many 【3】 (subject), much more than other children of 【4】 same age. For example, Prince George has to study over ten subjects at school.It【5】(seem)that the school life is not easy for the little prince.

During the time at home,the two children still have many rules【6】(follow).They should go to bed at 7 p.m.. But if they have to take part in some royal(皇室的)activities, it will be difficult for the【7】(excite)children to sleep on time.Their parents also ask them not to spend much time【8】(watch)TV and they can’t be picky(挑剔的)about food. 【9】(usual),they can enjoy different new foods every few days.

The royal family often take part in big events and all the family members need to show up(出现).So it is important for the little prince and princess to learn to keep polite, quiet and smiling【10】front of people.

三、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Everyone knows Bill Gates. He is one of the world's richest men. ___________ do you know Blanche Caffiere?

Blanche Caffiere was Bill Gates’ _______________.Gates said she changed ___________ life.

Gates first _____________ Mrs. Caffiere when he was nine years old. Then he was in his fourth grade. He was not a good student. He had terrible handwriting. He tried to get unnoticed(不被注意的). He didn’t _______________ others to know that he liked reading because he thought the _______________ was for girls but not for boys.

Mrs. Caffiere pulled Gates out of his shell(使他胆子大起来)by _____________ her love of books. She asked him,“What do you like to read?”Then, she found him a lot of books. After he read a book, Mrs. Caffiere would take time to _______________ it with him. She would ask,“Did you like it? Why? What did you learn?” She carefully listened to what he said. They became good friends.

Gates showed his _________to Mrs. Caffiere in a blog. He wrote, “I liked to______________ time with her then. Now I want to thank her for helping me find my strengths(长处), for helping me become the man I am today. Thank you ,my teacher.”

【1】A.So B.But C.or

【2】A.friend B.classmate C.teacher

【3】A.his B.her C.its

【4】A.saved B.met C.left

【5】A.want B.ask C.need

【6】A.book B.lesson C.hobby

【7】A.returning B.sharing C.finding

【8】A.hear from B.talk about C.look for

【9】A.thanks B.sadness C.surprise

【10】A.save B.waste C.spend

四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  Hello, I am a dog and my name is Bailey. Look at the picture! The man in it is Eason and he is my master(主人). He is my good friend and I like to play sports with him. I often go for a walk with him near our house. Sometimes, we play a game. He throws a ball to the sky. I run fast and then jump high to get the ball. After I get the ball, Eason is glad. I have a lot of fun with him.

Eason is the grandfather of a girl. The girl is Sally and she is very cute. She studies in Broadstone Middle School and she likes her school life. In her free time, she loves singing. Her dream is to be a singer. She often sings in her room. I like to listen to her songs. She sings very well and she is my heroine(女英雄)! I think her dream can come true.

【1】Who is the man in the picture?

A.Sally B.Eason C.Bailey D.We don’t know

【2】What does the dog often do with his master?

A.Takes a walk. B.Plays a game

C.Listens to music D.Runs in the playground

【3】What does the dog do in the game?

A.He throws a ball. B.He runs after his master.

C.He jumps high to get the ball. D.He puts the ball on his master's back.

【4】From the last paragraph, we can't learn about Sally’s ___.

A.hobby B.look

C.dream D.school

【5】What do we know about Sally?

A.She has many dreams. B.She often talks with her grandfather.

C.She is always in her room. D.She is Bailey's heroine.

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