一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


—Did you do well in ________exam last Monday, Tom? —Sure! I got ________ “A”.

A.an; the B.the;an C.the ;a

二、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】Oh, I left my w________ at home! I have no money with me right now.

【2】I think a bad home e________ can affect(影响)a child’s growth.

【3】I didn’t take my umbrella, so I c________my head with a piece of newspaper when it rained yesterday.

【4】John is so busy these days. But I will let you know when he is a________.

【5】How are you getting on with the p________ for the welcome party.

三、选词填空 (共1题,共5分)



discuss,  hope ,   bring,   expect, famous , one,

die,   true, reader, although, everybody, start

Do you like reading martial arts novels(武侠小说)in your free time? Do you know the very famous novelist in the world — Jin Yong. He’s famous for 【1】 his fantastic novels to a large group of people in the Chinese-speaking world. Although he died, his novels are still alive.

During his lifetime, he wrote 15 books. He created some of the 【2】 characters in the history of Chinese culture, like Guo Jing, Wei Xiaobao and Ling Huchong and so on. Jin Yong was not the 【3】 people to write about the martial arts world that is known as Jiang Hu, but 【4】 can deny(否认)that he wrote some of its best stories. His books were not only fun 【5】, but also helped to shape Chinese people’s characters. Jin Yong once said that he hoped people would still read his books even 100 or 200 years after his 【6】. As a fan of Jin Yong, I read many of his books. Each time when I read them, I 【7】 lose myself in the beauty of the books. Today, after a long 【8】 with my friends, we decide that we 【9】 a club for the people who are crazy about Jin Yong’s books in our neighborhood next month. We really 【10】 more fans to join us.

四、补全对话 (共1题,共5分)



A: Mom, it’s Dad’s birthday the day after tomorrow. Will we eat out then?

B: No.【1】So I’ll cook at home.

A: Ok.【2】

B: A lot of things, of course. We need…

A: Wait a minute, Mom. 【3】 Oh, here it is.

B: We need meat, vegetables, fruit and…Oh, I can’t remember other things right now.

A: 【4】

B: Oh, yes. We need to order one from a store tomorrow. If we don’t do that, we won’t get it then.

A: 【5】

B: You’re right.

A.What do we need to prepare?

B.What about the birthday cake?

C.If we eat out, we will spend much money.

D.I’ll get a piece of paper and write them down.

E.I think we can do that on the way to the supermarket.

五、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  My grandpa is 80 years old. Because of his old age, he often makes_________ in our modern(现代的) life. But we get along well together.

In everyday life, we _________ each other. My grandpa can’t cook by himself, so we often prepare different foods for him. Grandpa is open-minded, and he is always happy to try new things. Grandpa is good at doing housework,_________ he isn’t able to cook.

Sometimes my grandpa feels_________when he thinks of his hard life in the past. Then we tell him some funny jokes to make him happy. My grandpa knows a lot and he has a lot of experience. So when we_______some problems in life, we often ask Grandpa for advice. It is great to live with my grandpa!

【1】A.videos B.mistakes C.invitations

【2】A.help B.trust C.know

【3】A.if B.unless C.though

【4】A.upset B.angry C.worried

【5】A.bring B.meet C.use

六、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  It is usually very expensive to take the special lessons to get a pilot’s license (执照). But for Selina and her 7 lucky classmates, things are much easier. They are taking a program to learn how to fly a plane. The lessons are all free.

Selina, a 17-year-old girl, is in Chicago. She has a hard life. Her parents are from Africa and they are very poor. They live in a poor neighborhood and Selina isn't able to go to a good school.

Selina likes planes and the sky. When she isn't happy, she looks up at the sky. The sky makes her happy. Selina wants to be a pilot. Now she is getting closer to her dream. The special program is called Tuskegee Next. It helps the young people to become pilots. These people are all from poor families. Learning to fly a plane can help them in different ways. By taking the program, they learn to follow rules and become more confident(自信的). The program will help more young people like Selina.

【1】Selina has to spend lots of money to become a pilot with a license.

【2】Selina can’t go to a good school because she is from Africa.

【3】At first, Selina didn't want to be a pilot.

【4】The program helps poor young people to become pilots.

【5】The passage is mainly about a program called Tuskegee Next.

七、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


B. 阅读下列短文,根据其内容,补全所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内题号后的横线上。

When you sleep somewhere else like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re there for a fun time. But you may still feel unhappy. You start to miss your family, your friends and want to go back. It’s called being homesick(想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here’s how:

Bring a bit of home with you. If you’re going away from home, bring your pillow(枕头) or pictures of the people you will miss and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. Make friends and join in activities. If you are busy in a new place, you will have less time to feel homesick. So try to find some interesting things to do and soon you might start to have a good time.

Keep in touch with your family and friends. You might choose a regular(定期的) day and time for phone calls. You can also write a letter! But make sure to tell them the fun things you are doing.

Ask your family or friends to visit you and act as their guide. Let them visit the place you live. You can also take a trip back home, but don’t go home every weekend.

Tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend. Then the two of you can do some interesting things together, such as telling jokes. If you’re at camp, you can also tell your camp teacher. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

How to feel less homesick

The 【1】 of homesick

It is a feeling you have when you are away from home.


What to do

Bring a bit of home

Bring something from home and look at them when you want.

Keep busy

Make friends and do something interesting to enjoy【2】.

Keep in touch

Make a phone call or write a letter, but don’t tell them boring things.

Plan a visit

*Ask your friends or family to see you and【3】 them ______ the place where you live.

*Go back home, but don’t do that too【4】.

【5】 your feeling with someone

*Talk with your friend and do something interesting together.

*Ask your camp teacher for help.

八、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)











九、 (共1题,共5分)


A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。

I'm a piano teacher. I can feel clearly how talent and hard work influence my students.

In fact, not everybody was good at playing the piano when they came to the world. For example, some of my students just spent 2 or 3 months learning to play the piano well. 【1】 Many of my talented students learn faster than I did before, but talent doesn't always bring a good result. When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes finds it boring and then gives up. 【2】

Some of my students work very hard. 【3】 I teach them again and again and they practice for now. However, it just does not work for these students. In my eyes, it is not necessary to do everything very well. 【4】 Then you can choose what you are truly interested in or good at and put all your heart into it.

【5】 If you want to do the best, you need to follow your talents and work as hard as you can. Don't give up half way.

A.When you really don't have any talent for something, the best way is to give up.

B.But other students need to learn for years.

C.Both talent and hard work play important roles in learning.

D.And talented students sometimes have other things they enjoy more, so they give up, too.

E.But they still can’t play the piano beautifully.

F.I hope they can go on with it.

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