广州培正中学初三中考一模测试 英语
一、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】Please turn d____ the radio. Your sister is sleeping in the room.

【2】If you are hungry, why not e____ some bread?

【3】Students got q_____ at once when the teacher stood in front of the classroom.

【4】It is a bad h_____ to stay up late at night.

【5】You will f_____ in the exam unless you study hard.

【6】At the farewell party, Kobe Bryant said, “W_____ the support of my fans, it would be hard for me to achieve such great success.”

二、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Tourists these days are crowding into the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo to see a monkey that looks like Beckham, one of _____ most famous football players in the world. The lovely _____ monkey has become the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo’s own new celebrity(名人).

The monkey _____ a lot of hair, and she is very lovely. The most interesting thing is that she looks a lot like David Beckham. That’s why now the little monkey attracts _____ tourists who are rushing into the zoo to see her. Zookeepers are _____ at the resemblance(相似) between the little monkey and Beckham. So _____ give the little monkey a very special name – Harper Seven _____ is the same of the football star’s little daughter’s.

In fact, Harper Seven, the lovely monkey, was left alone as soon as she _____ born. Her mother died. She was very tiny _____ she first arrived at the zoo. Luckily, the zookeepers quickly stepped to care ______ her. But seven might never ______ into an existing group because she was abandoned(被抛弃的). So the keepers had to raise her ______ After just two or three months, she was much healthier. Now Harper Seven is strong enough ______ on her own. The keepers said that she ______ have contact with the outside world now and she does well in it. She enjoys ______ with people very much. She has got a lot of fans from all over the world, just like Beckham.

【1】A.a B.an C.the D./

【2】A.six months old B.six-month-old C.six-months old D.six months-old

【3】A.had B.have C.has D.will have

【4】A.a large number of B.much C.a great deal of D.a large amount of

【5】A.surprised B.surprisedly C.surprising D.surprise

【6】A.their B.theirs C.them D.they

【7】A.that B.who C.why D.what

【8】A.is B.was C.are D.were

【9】A.if B.because C.when D.until

【10】A.for B.with C.to D.on

【11】A.accept B.accepted C.is accepted D.be accepted

【12】A.separation B.separate C.separately D.separating

【13】A.live B.to live C.living D.to living

【14】A.must B.should C.could D.need

【15】A.play B.to play C.playing D.to playing

三、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  “Today, we had a discussion in class about heroes,” said Ayesha to her father. “The teacher asked us to name our favorite heroes.”

“What did you say?” asked her father curiously.

“I said Kareena Kapoor,” said Ayesha proudly.

“Why do you like Kareena?” asked her father. “She is so pretty, Daddy!” shouted Ayesha. “So I want to look like her!”

“But how do you plan to do that?”

“I don’t know, but I want to look like her.”

“When I see you, I see a very pretty girl. You may not be Kareena, but you are just as fine as Ayesha,” said her father seriously. “Choosing film actors as our heroes and heroines is part of being young, but in the process don’t put yourself down.” He added, “If you are trying so hard to be Kareena, you will stop being Ayesha. Why do you want to be a carbon copy when you can be an original?” Ayesha began to look interested. Being an original – that was so cool! Her father added, “Each of us is unique(独特的). We have come down to earth to develop our own beautiful gifts. You are such a fine singer, for example. Can you see how this might be your own wonderful gift to the world? Focus on being yourself, and you will achieve great things in life.”

“OK, Dad,” she said. “I love the way Kareena looks but I am going to focus on being the best Ayesha I can be.”

“That’s my girl,” said her father, giving her a big hug.

【1】Kareena Kapoor is most probably a ______.

A.a nice student B.a famous actress C.a school teacher D.a pretty singer

【2】Which of the following words can best describe Ayesha’s father?”

A.Wise B.Humorous C.Impatient D.Generous

【3】We know from the passage that _______.

A.Ayesha’s father liked watching films very much

B.Kareena Kapoor became famous for her courage

C.Ayesha changed her wrong attitude to Kareena in the end

D.Ayesha followed her father’s advice and decided to be herself

【4】Ayesha’s father thought that________.

A.one couldn’t do two jobs very well at the same time.

B.a teacher shouldn’t ask questions about film actors

C.it is natural for young people to admire film actors

D.actors set a bad example for young people.

【5】What is the text mainly about?

A.A heroine named Kareena Kapoor.

B.A talk about hero between a father and his daughter.

C.An interesting story between a father and his daughter.

D.A story between a heroine and her big fan.

四、翻译题 (共1题,共5分)




We __________ each other because we are good friends.


Anna wants to _________________ young people from China.


It rained _________________ many students were late for school yesterday.


China’s Twenty-four Solar Terms _________________ by more and more people in the world.


___________________ film it is! I have seen it many times.


How long does _____________ you ____________ to school every day?


Miss Li teaches us _______________________ confidence.

五、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)













1. 文章内容必须包含所给的全部提示要点,并且适当发挥;

2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,行文流畅,字迹工整,卷面整洁;

3. 词数80~100词左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校等个人信息,否则不予以评分;

5. 参考词汇:社会公益活动social public activity;养成form。

Dear friends,

How time flies and I’ll graduate from the school soon.




六、 (共1题,共5分)


  We all believe we listen well and yet many times we feel others are not listening to us. However, listening goes in both directions -- you may believe you are listening well, but how often have you completely forgotten what was said to you?  【1】

Make eye contact.

【2】 When People talk, they put out visual clues that add to the conversation and meaning of their words.

Stop talking.

You can't listen, talk and at the same time completely receive the meaning of the other person's words.  【3】

React without words.

Let the other person know you are listening through physical reactions, such as head nods, smiles, frowns and eye movement.  【4】


Behave as an effective listener. The more you continue to behave as a listener, the more you will be an effective listener.

A. Act as a listener.

B. Make eye contact with the person who is talking to you.

C. There are a few ways to become a more effective listener.

D. Wait your turn and take in what has been said to you before you make a reply.

E. These may also help to let the speaker know whether you are fully understanding his words.

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