福州华侨中学英语九上Unit2 单元测试卷
一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


---What are you going to do next weekend?

---I _____ yet. Do you have any good ideas?

A. haven't decided B. won't decide

C. have decided D. didn't decide

二、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Each of us wants to live in a beautiful world, but for many of us that is not p【1】because of pollution. But everyone in the world should try to do something for our e【2】 A very good way to make the environment beautiful is making parks. A park in a big city is like an oasis(绿洲) in a d【3】.  It  p【4】a place for relaxing and enjoying nature. In China, people in Shanghai and Beijing are p【5】trees, developing many parks and making green areas in order to make their cities more beautiful.

Also, people must stop  t【6】trash(废物) all over. Several years ago big c【7】in the U.S.A., such as New York and Chicago started a program called recycling, and in this program, people collect bottles, newspapers, and other kinds of trash into special containers(容器). Recycling is also being d【8】in China’s cities such as Shanghai and Beijing.

There is a lot of pollution around us now. There is also much work to be done. All of us should r【9】it and try to p【10】it.

三、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


Jack is a little schoolboy. He lives in a small town in England. His father works in a factory in London. One day his mother____him to post a letter to his father.

Jack walked down the street. He didn’t see a letter box on the street. But he really____a basket with a sign on it. The sign said, “PUT LITTER IN THIS BASKET”. “I can read,” thought Jack, but he couldn’t____the word “letter” right.

Jack dropped the letter in the basket. Then he ran____to tell his mother about the basket.

“Oh, no, child!” said his mother, “You put the letter in a basket. That litter basket is____old paper and other useless things.”

“Oh,”said Jack,“does the____on the basket mean that?”

“Yes, it does,”said his mother,“The word is‘litter’not‘letter’. Now get the letter and post it.”

When Jack got there, a man was putting the old____in a truck.

“Stop!”shouted Jack, and he began to tell the man about the letter.

The man helped him to look for the letter. After a while they____it.

Then Jack put the____in the letter box. He said,“____don’t they tell us all the words when we first go to school? Then things like that can’t happen.”

【1】A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked

【2】A. saw B. took C. brought D. watched

【3】A. read B. look C. spell D. give

【4】A. away B. out C. in D. from,

【5】A. to B. on C. with D. for

【6】A. letter B. word C. sentence D. sound

【7】A. litter B. basket C. box D. paper

【8】A. heard B. finished C. worked D. got

【9】A. paper B. basket C. sing D. letter

【10】A. How B. What C. Why D. When

四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草).

The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly.

Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn’t have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea!

【1】The Venus flytrap is a kind of ____.

A.plant B.animal C.food D.meat

【2】The Venus flytrap grows in ____.

A.most parts of the world B.some parts of Africa

C.dry parts of the United States D.wet parts of England

【3】From the passage, we learn that _____.

A.all plants can eat people B.all plants can eat animals

C.some plants can eat people D.some plants can eat animals

【4】The underlined word “presses” probably means ____ in Chinese.

A.挤压 B.关上 C.打开 D.松开

【5】Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because _____.

A.plants are dangerous to animals

B.animals are dangerous to plants

C.plants want to get what they need from animal meat

D.Plants want to protect themselves against animals

五、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


  Here is a page from a magazine named Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in ten years.


Cars will run on solar power or electricity and will be much cleaner. They will be much safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself.


Because there won’t be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels. People will live on the upper level; the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.


Biotechnology(生物工艺学) will make food better and healthier. Plants that are not affected by insects or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruits and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.


New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical appliances(设备) will be quieter and will be controlled by computers; they will also use 50% less power.


Many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful by using products of genetic engineering. Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold. However, some new illnesses will appear.


【1】Cars using solar power or electricity will cause _________accidents and _______ pollution.

【2】People will be able to live in the new cities in the ___________.

【3】Biotechnology will make the fruits and vegetables___________and keep the food________.

【4】Electrical appliances will be__________and will be controlled by______________.

【5】Genetic engineering can help doctors to cure______________.

六、翻译题 (共1题,共5分)



【1】噪音对人们的健康伤害极大。(great harm)




【3】街上有个女孩在哭。(There  is)


【4】我们应该做每一件我们可以做的事去保护环境。(everything )




七、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)


假如你班为了配合创建“宜居城市”的号召,最近以“Life in the future: for better or worse?”为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观,但也有一些同学对未来有些担心。请你根据下列表格中的内容要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。

乐观者的观点1. 世界变得更好  2. 生活水平提高 3. 人的寿命更长

担心者的观点1. 世界变得更挤 2. 环境问题更多 3. 能源变得更少



要求:1. 短文必须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;



参考词汇:optimistic  adj  乐观的  

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